Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Happy Birthday Nat!

(April 20, 2011; 9:00am)

„Happy birthday Nat!“ I awoke to 12 people standing in my room.
Today is my 16th birthday. My bro, Rian, Jack, Zack, my parents, Joey, Cole, Jason, Micah, Kaitlin, and Ashley were all smiling, holding gifts.
„Aww thanks guys. But i think this could've of waited until after i showered and did something with myself.“ I said.
„Natural beauty at its best sweetheart.“ My dad said, kissing my forehead and giving me a teddy bear and a card. I smiled and sat up, opening the card, revieling a $50 gift card to starbucks.
„Oh my god daddy i love it.“ I said hugging him.
„I knew you would, caffine addict.“ He joked.
„Open mine.“ Alex said, shoving his gift in my hands.
I ripped it open to reveal The 'exclusive' not realeased All Time Low album, Green Day's 'Awesome as Fuck' dvd, a white gucci purse that was very cute, a six pack of guage spike earrings, 3 green monsters (i love caffine), and a sinful hoodie. Not sure how he managed to stuff that all in one little box.
I got lots of other cool gifts and we went downstairs to my birthday breakfast, chocolate pancakes, omlets, and homestyle hashbrowns. We all ate then i finally got ready for the day.
I put on my Teen Agnst tee from GK, Lip Service black skinny jeans, and Red chucks w/ black laces. I straightened my hair, did my make up, and went downstairs.
„I got your monster cold for you.“ Micah smiled handing me it.
„Thanks.“ I smiled, opening it.
„You can have one if you want.“ I offered.
„No, i had a red bull this morning.“ He said. I nodded and we went into the living room where everyone else was.
„Oh! We have drumline today at 3:00pm.“ Joey said.
„Awesome!“ I smiled.
„I totally forgot.“ Micah smiled.
„So you didn't practice.“ Joey said.
„Not one bit. But i can wing it.“ He said.
„My drum is at school.“ Micah said.
„Mine too.“ Kaitlin said.
Me, Kaitlin, and him were gonna drive while Joey's dad was taking him to our school because he needed to get his drums. He had a three piece. We parked, i grabbed my drum, and we went inside. We went to the band room where the other drumline kids were. Joey soon got there and we all grouped.
„Alright, now that everyone is here, we are going to go out into the cafeteria. On the way out, play the song we've been practicing. Get the hang of marching to it.“ Our drum line teacher said.
We got in our special spots for the line up and marched out, playing the song. For justing winging it, micah was doing good.
(An hour later)
„Hey it's Nat's birthday.“ Kailtin yelled.
Everyone cheered and sang happy birthday to me, so embarressing but thoughtful at the same time. We practiced a few more songs for the up coming pep assembly then finally got to go home at 6:30pm.
"I thought you did great for winging it Micah." Kaitlin laughed.
"I'm a natural." He smiled.
I opened the door to my house to notice all the lights were off. I switched the living room lights on to a huge 'surprise' getting yelled by a lot of people. I dropped my drum sticks out of shock, then i smiled.
"Happy birthday Nat." Alex said hugging me.
"Thank you guys so much." I smiled. I went around and talked to all my friends that showed up. My mom had cooked spegetti, my favorite food, and we all ate.
"Where's your party mix alex?" Rian asked.
"Over by the tv." Alex said.
Rian popped it in the cd player and it blasted out the speakers. Mom and dad went to a friends house to leave us alone. Rian, Jack, and Alex in charge of my 16th birthday is gonna be awesome!
„Where's the beer?“ Jack yelled.
„Jack, this is my little sister's birthday, no beer.“ Alex said.
„Why! We drank at her age.“ Jack whined.
„I don't like beer.“ I told him.
„So.“ He said, crossing his arms and going into the kitchen. I laughed and went over to a group of my friends.
(An hour later)
„You guys should play one of your new songs down in the basement.“ I told Alex.
„You think your friends would like that?“ He asked smiling.
„Are you kidding? They're huge fans.“ I smiled.
„Guys, who wants to hear All Time Low play?“ I yelled. Everyone cheered and clapped. I turned back to alex. He got up.
„Alright, acoustic set in five minutes.“ Alex yelled. Everyone cheered.
„I'm gonna go get some guitars and stuff and bring them up here.“ He told me. I nodded and him and the guys went down to the basement. They came back up with an acousitc bass for zack, 2 acoustic guitars for alex, and some congo drums, a tamborine, and a shaker for rian.
„Alright! This song is called Jasey Rae.“ Alex said.
Everyone cheered and they played. They also played Dear Maria, Coffeeshop Soundtrack, Weightless, and Six Feet Under The Stars. Mom and Dad walked in right in the middle of Coffeeshop Soundtrack. They just sat and watched the guys. We all clapped at the end of their set.
„Thank you Alex.“ I said hugging him.
„Your welcome little sis.“ He smiled.
It was about 2am now. Mostly everyone was leaving now. Except for Micah, Kaitlin, Ashley, Joey, Cole, and Jason. They were staying the night.
„We're sleeping over too! Oh boy, this is gonna be fun.“ Jack said all high pitched. We laughed.
„Don't worry about cleaning up guys, we'll get to it in the morning.“ Mom said, hugging me. „Happy birthday.“
„Thanks mom, love you.“ I said.
We all changed into some pajamas and went to the family room where we were all gonna sleep. Alex and Rian got like 20 pillows, and 8 big blankets and we all laid on the floor. Great way to end your birthday, with your family and friends all around you.