Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Pre Warped preparation

(June 22, 2011; 1:00pm)
„Did you call Mark yet?“ I asked Cole. Mark was our manager for well, everything. Booking gigs, money, instruments.
„Yeah. Him and Greg are bringing the trailer and the van.“ Cole said.
„Gonna be living in the van for 4 weeks.“ Joey said.
„I expect it to smell decent.“ I said. Cole, Jason, and Joey laughed.
„Right. It'll smell like roses and hugs.“ Jason said.
„It better.“ I said.
„Hey, maybe if it's not to late, we can rent a bus or something.“ Joey suggested.
„If it's not alot.“ Jason said.
„How much do you think we'd be able to scrap together for four weeks?“ I asked.
„I'll look it up online.“ Joey said. He grabbed my laptop and began his search.
„Ok, for our 4 weeks, a small bus for 5 people will cost $3,475 and for 7 people it's $3.725.“ Joey said.
„We can totally pull that off. I got half that in my bank account.“ Jason said.
„I can pitch in a thousand.“ I said.
„Me too.“ Cole said.
„Alright.“ Joey smiled. „I'll book us a bus for tomorrow and we'll go get it.“
„Wait, whose going to drive the thing?“ Jason asked.
„Not me.“ I said.
„Ok, I guess i will mostly. And maybe Joey.“ Jason said.
„We should just hire someone.“ I said.
„Yeah, you know, my older cousin might do it. He's driven buses like that for other bands.“ Cole said.
„Really? Call him up!“ Jason said. Cole called his cousin while Joey booked us the really nice bus.
„He said yes!“ Cole smiled.
„There's a price, how much?“ I asked.
„Beer, food, a bunk, VIP pass, and we have to get him some free vans stuff on opening day.“ Cole laughed.
„Sounds like a great fucking deal.“ Joey smiled.
„Let's go check out the bus.“ I said. We all jumped in Jason's car and headed to the RV place.
„Hi, um, we just booked a bus for our tour this summer.“ I said.
„Under what name?“ He asked. I looked at joey since he booked it.
„Sanders.“ Joey said. The guy nodded and took us to see the bus.
„Dude, how is this all for $4,000!“ Cole said looking around.
This bus had a flat screen in the front, long couch benches on each side, a table connected to the side of the wall, a fridge, microwave, sink, some cabinets, and a bonus backroom with two couches and another tv. Also we had 7 bunks, with mini tvs and curtains.
„So, is this good enough for your tour guys?“ The worker asked.
„We'll take it.“ We all said. He laughed and led us inside to sign papers and making a payment before we left.
„That thing is easy to drive. I thought it would be hard. But there's this tv moniter that allows me to see on all sides of me. So no blinde spots.“ Jason said.
„Brian (Cole's cousin) will like that.“ Cole said.
„Let's get this thing loaded up.“ Cole said.
We got our luggage and stuff on there. Mark soon showed up and was really impressed with our purchase. We got our guitars, drum sticks, drums, basses, mics, etc on the trailer.
„Is Micah the only one?“ Mark asked.
„We got a driver. Cole's older cousin Brian.“ I said.
„How old is he and what experience does he have?“ Mark asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
„Ask Cole.“ I said.
„He's 31 and he's been driving buses for bands since he was 22.“ Cole said.
„Ok, I'll get him and Micah passes made. You hold onto yours.“ He said handing us our band passes. We all smiled. He left to make some calls and we went inside, showing my mom. Of course she was taking pictures.
„Hey lil sis.“ Alex said, coming in and hugging me.
„I got my band pass Alex.“ I smiled.
„Me too.“ He said. „I can't wait. I'm gonna be on tour with my baby sister.“
„Beware.“ I laughed.
„Oh i won't. You know how me and the guys are.“ He laughed.
„Yeah you guys are something. I don't want to see any penis's.“ Jason said. Alex laughed.
„I can pormise you that, but i don't know about Jack.“ Alex said.
„We are not at fault for Jack's actions. Just getting that out now.“ I said.
They laughed. We all went in the kitchen where mom was cooking a big, 'going away to tour' dinner. Like she always does before All Time Low goes on tour. Micah soon came over and my dad had come home from work. We all sat around the table, said a prayer, and ate.
„This is really good mom.“ I said.
„Yeah.“ Some of the guys mumbled, chewing huge mouth fulls.
„Are you going to be able to handle all these boys Natalie?“ My dad asked.
„I've been surrounded by them my whole life dad.“ I laughed.
„Yeah pops, i'll keep an eye on her.“ Alex said.
„I was going to ask her to keep an eye on you son.“ Dad laughed.
„Right.“ Alex said. We all enjoyed our last family meal together before tour, ending it with a movie, youth in revolt.
'Sleepover bitches!“ Cole said bouncing around in my room.
„I have a feeling we're not going to be sleeping that much.“ I laughed.
„We're leaving for warped tour tomorrow, and this time we're playing! Of course there's not going to be any sleeping.“ Joey said.
„You guys sure you got everything?“ I asked.
„Sure do!“ Cole said.
„Let's watch a movie.“ Micah said.
„Ooh! The Other Guys!“ Joey said. Jason put it in and we all pilled on my bed.