Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Travel Day

(The Next morning; 8:00am)
„Hey guys, get up!“ Alex yelled.
„Fuckers!.“ Jack yelled. I opened my eyes and noticed we all fell asleep on my bed.
„Guys! You didn't move last night from my bed!“ I yelled.
„I regret that now.“ Cole groaned, popping his back.
„Wow, rough night?“ Alex chuckled.
„We must of fallen asleep here watching that movie.“ Micah said stretching.
„Alright guys, well get ready, we gotta hit the road. Some dude named Brian said he was your bus driver. He's downstairs.“ Alex said.
„Yeah, that's my cousin. He's has great experience.“ Cole said.
„Dude, i really don't care.“ Alex laughed and left with jack behind him laughing.
„Well, there's my brothers sick sense of humor.“ I said.
„I've been listening to it since i was 5 Nat.“ Cole laughed.
We all got dressed, grabbed some drinks, and went to our bus.
„We're gonna stop up the street at Wal-Mart for some food to put on the bus. You guys have food on the bus?“ Alex asked.
„No.“ I said.
„Alright, let's get going.“ He said.
We got on our bus and Brian drove it. He did a really good job, seeing as we wern't dead. We got to Wal-Mart and went inside, grabbing a cart. We got a bunch of hot pockets, anytizers, uncrustables, popcicles, ramen noodles, coke, two 24 pack cases of monster energy, pop tarts, and cereal bars.
„This is all junk food.“ Cole laughed.
„Which we love so dearly.“ Joey said.
„How about some milk, cereal, and other stuff now.“ I said. We got a gallon of milk, cheerios, fruity pebbles, rise crispies, and frosted flakes.
„Cheez it's!“ Micah said grabbing a box. We also got oreos, lunch meat, bread, ketchup, mustard, cheese, and a few other things.
„This stuff alone is gonna cost us 200 bucks.“ Jason said. Joey laughed.
„We'll all pitch in then.“
We got to the cashire and everything together was $267.54. We all pitched in a certain amount and got everything, going out to the bus. My brother and the guys we unloading their cart. We did so too and said bye to the guys, heading to Texas.