Status: Short Story

Looking at the Letter That You Left

Chapter 5

After the concert Nick and Jordan formed a close friendship almost instantly. After a few months of texting back and forth they arranged to meet again. Jordan was turning eighteen in a few weeks and Nick wanted to take her out.

“Oh look at you, my baby is all grown up.” Mandy gushed when Jordan came down the stairs in a simple red dress, her brown hair curled slightly.

“Mum I’m not a baby anymore I’m eighteen.” Jordan protested.

“I know sweetheart but you will always be my baby.” Mandy smiled before snapping a picture of Jordan.

There was a knock on the door, Mandy quickly rushed to answer it inviting Nick into their home.

“Come on get together let me get a picture.” Mandy ordered.

“Mum stop embarrassing me.” Jordan whined once the picture had been taken.

“Okay, I’ve finished now. Don’t forget to take your house key.” Mandy said before saying bye to Nick and disappearing back into the living room.

“You look beautiful tonight.” Nick complemented Jordan before leading her out of her door.

Jordan and Nick went to a fancy restaurant which Nick closed so they could be alone. The food was mouth watering, the décor tasteful. When the couple had finished their food, Nick reached for Jordan’s hand over the table.

“Jordan, I’ve been practising this for days at home. I still haven’t found the right way to ask you.” Nick started staring into Jordan’s beautiful brown eyes.

“What is it Nick?” Jordan asked her stomach filling with butterflies.

“I was wondering would you, would you like to be my girlfriend?” Nick asked looking into her eyes.

“Oh Nick, I would love to.” Jordan relied with a smile on her face.

Jordan and Nick had returned to Jordan’s house a little before midnight, as they were stood on the doorstep Jordan decided she wanted to show Nick her secret place.

“Nick can I show you something?” Jordan asked.

“Yeah of course.” Nick replied.

Jordan led him out to her back garden, the stars in the sky providing just enough light. She led him through two rosemary bushes towards a bench. Engraved on the bench was “In Loving Memory Of Claire Sparks 92-09 I love you Bff+aie.” The arbitration of Best friends forever and always in eternity.

Nick squeezed Jordan’s hand knowing she had just trusted him enough to show him, the place she goes when things get to much, the place where she feels the closets to Claire.

They didn’t say anything, neither of them had to. Nick wrapped his arms around Jordan’s waist while she gazed up at the stars.

“Thank you Claire, for everything. Who would have thought it aye, me standing here with the Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.” Jordan said laughing slightly.

“You know I haven’t had a letter from her in a year, but the thing is I had this dream and she said she had written seven letters. I only received three and you received one meaning there are still three more out there somewhere.” Jordan said after a moments silence.

“Maybe the others will come when you least expect it. If you look for them you only set yourself up for disappointment.” Nick mumbled before slipping the letter into Jordan’s hand.

Jordan looked at the letter, it was addressed to her. She looked at Nick confused.

“Your mum gave it to me to give to you tonight I think this is letter number five.” He said.

“So it was my mum who had been delivering them all along.” Jordan realised.

Jordan breathed a sigh of relief, she had not expected a letter today but secretly wished Claire had written one.

“I think I’m going to get Big Rob to come and get me now. Leave you to read the letter.” Nick said turning Jordan around in his arms.

“I love you.” He said before attaching his lips to Jordan, they shared there first kiss. Jordan could have sworn she saw the star directly above them twinkle slightly.

“I love you too.” Jordan replied once they broke apart.

Nick had left, Jordan was now sat on the bench gently opening the letter.

Dear Jordan,

Happy birthday! Who would have thought you would turn eighteen. Do you feel grown up now? Sorry it has been so long between these letters, I’m guessing it’s been about a year?

So Jordan now that you are eighteen you can legally go clubbing, something I’m sure you will take advantage of in the years to come. I wonder what you are doing while you are reading this, what your life is like. I wonder if you still listen to the music you used to, if you hair is the same colour it was when I saw you last. I wonder if you even remember me. I hope you had a fantastic birthday whatever you did.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate your new adulthood, but at least this has proved you can do it I told you, you would make it without me and you have. You do not know how happy that makes me feel knowing you have come through the worst.

I’m sorry if I have missed any special events, like all your dates with boys. You know I wouldn’t be any help at all anyway; I would just be going on about if he turns out to be a freak climb out the bathroom window and all the usual advice. Even your graduation from college, you know I would have been there with a whistle embarrassing you.

I don’t know weather you ever did meet Nick Jonas, if you didn’t ask your mum to explain what I’m on about. If you did I hope you got his number. I wish I could tell the future because as far I know you could have hooked up with Nick after that concert and lived happily ever after? I’m sure if you aren’t dating Nick, you are dating a Nick look alike, and I hope he is treating you well.

If you do not want to receive anymore letters in the future I understand, I’m part of your past and you may not want to be reminded, just tell your mum to burn the other letters.

This is so hard writing this, I never did know how to put my feeling down on paper at the best of times. This is so important that you know how proud I am of you and that I love you. Don’t give up, if you want something that much never let it go and keep trying even when sometimes it seems impossible.

Take care of yourself, I wish you well wherever live may lead you. Never forget to keep your head high and smile.

Ps- I love you Best friends forever and always in eternity.

Jordan read the letter through again, smiling at how right and wrong Claire was. Claire wrote this not knowing if Jordan would even meet Nick, let alone fall in love with him. Although at the time of Claire writing this it seemed virtually impossible she still write it.

Claire was wrong thinking Jordan could ever forget her, Jordan never did take Claire’s advice and make another best friend. Even though she had friends, she didn’t feel right calling anyone other than Claire her best friend.

Jordan led down on the bench holding on to the two necklaces that had been round her neck for a year. She fell asleep quickly; she was emotionally and physically drained.
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Re-reading this made me tearful! :\