
Chapter 1- My Angel

As I lay crying to myself in the hotel bed, I think of him. It’s been 5 years since I last saw his beautiful face. A angel of perfection. I cant stop crying. Even friends and family are worried about me ever since he has been kidnapped.

“Ohh Cori!” I said, my erection swelling up as the thought of his beautiful features. So young and innocent, so soft so gentle. Cori was sixteen when I met him. His adopted father worked for me when I went on tour with the band.

It wasn’t until one day at the studio, where my number one fan visited the studio just to see me on ‘Take your child to work day’! Cori had long black hair and wore tight clothes, usually belly tops. Usually I don’t fall in love over people under the age of eighteen, but I felt a great connection.

He could only talk about my band. But had other interests. He wanted to be a cartoonist for a career. Cori also wanted to be a male belly dancer, another hobby of his. He asked me if I ever watched Disney movies. Not a big fan, I answered.

Cori just smiled and said he loves them. His favorite was Sleeping Beauty. Cori gave me a gift at the end of our first meeting. He gave me a drawing he drawn, of me. An eat me, drink me era anime cartoon of me. I fell completely in love. I asked his adopted-father, Mikey, If I could date him.

He said that was fine if sex wasnt involved. I was so happy! Nothing could ever separate us. We were constantly together over my mansion, because of Cori’s five siblings always making a racket. But one night, Mikey and Samantha needed a babysitter, They asked me to watch five of the kids, except for Thomas, Cori’s older brother. I said yes, hoping to spend some more time with Cori. That night when all of Cori’s siblings were asleep, Cori and I made love. It was magical! Hearing his moans while every thrust was made. Those moans sounded like an angel from heaven. I gave him his nickname, Angel, right then.

Later on [still dating], Cori gave me a prized possession. He gave me a cat in a hat child-sized doll, that his grandma gave him before she died. I kept it on my bed every night. Just in case Cori wasn’t here to hold, I held Dr. Seuss’s creation in my arms every night.

Months went by, and one day walking home from school, Cori was kidnapped! Kids who saw the incident said it was a black mustang. No one knew who had a black mustang at the time. So after 2 years of searching, they dropped the case. They [FBI, Police, and Detectives] had no evidence, no witnesses [besides kids], and no clues.

I was worried, Cori’s adopted parents were too. After another year, Samantha, Cori’s adopted mother divorces Mikey, and re-marries a guy name Drake. They had a boy name Eli. Eli, who is Cori’s half brother now, finds out about Cori and is upset knowing he has another brother.

A year later which makes 4 years now, I re-connected with my ex-girlfriend, Evan. We got back together and I was almost happy again. That was until I heard the news that the FBI found an article of Cori’s favorite belly top. I gained my hope back. I broke it off with Evan.

Now back to reality. I am at a hotel room in Las Vegas. All of a sudden a call comes through on my cell phone. I wiped my tears and answered. It was Mikey. Cori Was found! ALIVE!!
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um comment? this is an old story I put up on deviant art.