
Chapter 5- Is it over?

“I am making salad tonight, okay, hun?” Cori said bringing out a huge bowl. “Okay sounds good.” I kissed him and held his small hips. Life cant get any better than this. I mean I was happy, carefree, and loved. Nothing couldn’t ruined my life or bring me down.

Well, not until I got a call from Jeordie. He is engaged. He wanted to have a bachelor’s party. Of course that meant strippers.

“I just cant go! It means that their will be women there….Naked women.” I said to Cori.

“Go. He’s your best friend. Support him. Besides listen to yourself. You sound like your afraid of women. But the old Brian I knew liked both genders sexually. Go you will have fun!” He leaned in and kissed me. I know I had changed. But for a good cause. I just don’t want Cori to be hurt.

“Okay I’ll go. But when I come home, It’s just going to be you and me! You got it?” I held out my pinky.

“Got it!” He held his pinky out too, but instead of pinky swearing we sealed the deal with a kiss.

As Jeordie and I arrived to the gentlemen’s club, we met up with Kenny, Chris, and an old friend, John. But one of the strippers looked familiar. She started to walk this way. It was Evan.

“Hello, Mister Manson.” She sounded upset. Her arm moved to slap me, but she had no guts to do it.

“Hey Evan.” I tried to give her a friendly hug, but she grabbed me and our lips met. The guys gasped. She wouldn’t let go of me. I couldn’t let go of her. It felt right and wrong at the same time. ‘What would happen if Cori found out?’ I’ll be miserable. I tried to push away but she wouldn’t let me. I was confused. But I was saved!

My cell phone ring tone broke us apart. It was Cori. Evan grabbed the phone from me. “STAY AWAY FROM BRIAN, BITCH!!” She hung up and threw my phone into a trash can. “Now where were we?” She asked gently.
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At this point, Marilyn Manson is changing into the person he use to hate.
We HATE love
We love HATE