Status: Only writing when I need to take my mind off things or if I see I get a few subscribers...

No Love is Wrong

Guitar Singing Little Lady

The next day I was sitting in his class. Everyone was whispering about how Mr. Evans has a hickey. No one had noticed mine which made me smirk.
“Mr. Evans, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend” A blonde girl called out.
“Yes, well I do. Now let’s not get into my personal life. This is school, Not a dating service.” He told everyone.
“Would you let someone I don’t know like me, give you one of those. I bet I could give you more pleasure than whoever did that. I have a lot of experience” My eyes went wide. She said thinking that would get her with MY boyfriend. I wanted to get up and pull her fake blonde her out.
“see me after class” He told her sternly. I could see anger in his eyes.
He let us read silently to ourselves. We were texting back and forth until the bell rang. I walked to my locker and realized I had left my notebook in there.

I walked to the door and looked in no one was in here. He probably already walked to his car and was waiting on me. I just walked in. To my surprise. There he was making out with the same fake headed blonde named Heidi. I gasped out in shocked. I slammed the door and ran. I ran till my legs couldn’t carry me. I was almost near my home.

I walked upstairs and pulled out my guitar. I only played when I was really upset. Now was the perfect time. How could he? I wonder how many other girls he’s been with. I started to play and sing. Then my phone rang.

Ethan .

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I lost a subscriber ): Well my boyfriend moved away today. So this is how I've spent my day. Writing chapters and taking my mind off everything. If anyone is good at cheering up or advice I would Love you forever. You have no idea... </3