The Last Pureblood


I had one mission in life. One purpose. To protect Annabelle. I was assigned this mission when I was seven and my father told me that my destiny awaited. I was destined for this mission. I was born around the time when vampires and werewolves were not only myths and folklores. In fact, I was part of the world’s best werewolf pack.

All those stories about vampires and werewolves being natural enemies are just some sad excuse for not having a good plot or conflict for their stories. The truth is that we stick together no matter what species we are. Sadly that excludes the humans. They don’t like the idea of having to share this world with creatures that aren’t supposed to exist.

I remember clearly the day when my father told me my destiny. We had gone to a mansion in the forest where many vampires like to stay and hang out, maybe have a snack or two.

I remember looking out the window of the car and seeing a mansion so high I thought at the time, me being seven and all, that it went up to the heavens. My father and I went up many stairs until we got to a door that strangely looked bigger than the other thousand doors we just past. My father knocked on the door and a soft, musical voice told us to enter. The door opened and we slowly stepped in; not wanting to be rude by just barging in. I looked around the room and it reminded me of some kind of headquarters or an important office. My father walked up to the desk that was in front of the room to face the man sitting on the chair. He was papery white with dark glowing green eyes staring right at me. He looked like he was in his late seventies and I sensed he was an important vampire.

“Antonio, I’ve been waiting for your arrival. I see you brought little William along.” He glanced down at me with a smile on his face.

“He’s ready to fulfill his destiny. I thought we could tell him together why he’s here.” I was dumbfounded. What could they possibly mean? My father looked down at me and smiled.

“You see William, we’ve assigned you your own task. Now this is very important so don’t mess up.” I slowly nodded. So many thoughts ran through my head. What is so important? Part of me was afraid for what was about to come, but the other part, the dominant one, was curious.

“Antonio, lets show him what we mean.”

“You mean she’s here?” A puzzled look had taken over his face.

“Yes, my men found her on the doorstep. Someone just dropped her here like a sack of potatoes. Poor thing lost her parents, the only living pureblood vampires.”

“Why didn’t you mention this before Santos?” I didn’t understand what they were talking about.

“The thought never simply came to me. Lets go up to her room.” The two men began making their way towards the door with me trailing behind. After many twists and turns we finally stopped at a door. Two tall, big vampires were guarding the door but as soon as they saw us they stepped aside and let us go in.

We all stepped in and looked at the beautiful little girl that was sleeping on the red colored bed. I was stricken with an emotion so fierce I just wanted to curl up beside her and hold her close. I walked to her side and fought the urge to touch her cheek.

“What is her name?” I asked.

“Annabelle. She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” Santos looked at me with a happy glint in his eyes. I merely nodded and looked back down, taking in every feature on her beautiful face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and knew instantly it was my father because of his scent. He looked down at me and took a deep breath.

“William, your duty is to protect Annabelle until your heart stops beating. Always keep her in here.” He pointed at my chest where my heart is. I looked at her face, it was so peaceful, so bright. I vowed to myself that as long as I’m around, her face will always be peaceful and bright.

I stood up straight and nodded. “Yes father.”

“You’ll be her protector, her best friend, her everything. Don’t ever let her out of your sight because my dear boy, the humans want her dead.” I winced at the word ‘dead.’ I must not let her die, even if it means sacrificing my life.

“Why do they want her….?” I couldn’t say it. I mustn’t say it. This time Santos answered my question.

“Annabelle is very special which means when she’s all grown up she’ll have heavy responsibilities. She’ll lead us, both vampires and werewolves, to a new future where we can all be at peace with the humans. She’s powerful, the humans don’t want any purebloods driving us out of our misery. They enjoy the fact that we have to hide from them and protect ourselves as well. The humans are sending vampire slayers to kill every single pureblood. They’ve recently killed Annabelle’s parents. You’re all she has now. She’s the last pureblood.”
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well i hope you liked it,
let me know what you thinkc:<3