Status: Active


I want to change can't be changed

I watched the florescent light factures flicker, the walls were padded light blue bouncing light off making it seem we were in an ocean of blue. A place that took people away, this place. This place that I have to stay because of what I’ve done to myself and everyone around me.

Putting them down with self-pity that I felt for myself. But I wasn’t always like this.
Indeed I was a normal thirteen year old girl that had the normal anxiety of liking boys, puberty, bullying (a main source that has gotten me into this), and family what not. I had this outer exterior that made it almost impossible to break me down mentally. I was strong . A view that my mother put me in. But on the inside as every sappy girl would feel pressure and nervousness.

“Amelia” The woman snapped at me. I looked forward to face the woman that held me captive for whatever mind thrilling experience-note sarcasm-. “ Where you listening” I gave a blank look that commentated with my normal look “ What have you learned so far during the treatment” Oh how I loved when she would state my melt down talk about feelings as treatment. All the real treatment is to her pocket. Last week she had ruffed framed glasses and now they are brand new with wide frames.

“I learned so far that everything I want to change can’t be changed” I mumble looking down at my hand (another simple action I make when being interrogated) “because it can’t really benefit me for what I am and ..and…I shouldn’t scar myself with the past”. I glanced back up to a smirk perched high on her full lips.

“That is wonderful Amelia” she looked down to the clip board” That would be all for today”. I tried to work a smile to my chapped lips but it wouldn’t work. I nod and stand walking out of the room closing the door gently. The walls where filled with wall papers of hot air balloon designs of many years and how they modified, thoughts forced into my head.

The first time I came here I was reluctant and didn’t want to be touched or talked to. Every time a nurse would give me a daily shot for my treatment , they would force me down to the strapped bed. Of course sooner than later I would give up and get used to all of this.
Since my age they placed me back near the children and preteens. The floor was nice and marbled uncertainly for all the times I see people through themselves onto the tile.

“Amelia” a croaked child cheered. I smiled and bent down to the little munchkin tapping is shoulder. Mica was one of those kid that had a scene of adorability and not know about it. His frame was woman like or should I say girl like for he is only six. I never understood why he was in here he didn’t seemed crooked like most of us. It was twelve at night and I turned my head towards the metal door. The room was cold-damp and it felt like I was drowning. My eyes turned the creek at the bottom of the door were the light was shown.
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