Status: Slow but active. <3

More Than Alive


I hated school so much. I sincerely did. The first day of junior year was probably the worst day of my life. I looked at my alarm clock on my nightstand. If I didn’t get up in exactly 30 seconds my cousin was going to come in and jump me. I sighed and rubbed the last remaining sleep particles out of my eyes. I should’ve rubbed faster. Before I could even think a that’s what she said my cousin Tyler screams "faggot" and jumps on me, winding me completely.

He started it.

It was on now.

I wrestled him off me and pinned him to the ground. I tickled him everywhere I could until he screamed mercy. I watched him crawl out my room in defeat with a smug smile on my face. Never mind, I guess today was going to be interesting.

I picked a long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark jeans and pulled them on. Grabbing my backpack and about to walk out the door, I was oblivious to any avenging attacks from Tyler. I shoved a poptart in my mouth and was about to absorb some fattening nutrients when it all but shot out of my mouth like a flat pastry bullet, skidding across Tyler’s smooth kitchen floor. I went down like a rag doll, Tyler shoving me to the floor until all his weight was on top of me. I was still in shock. I listened to him cackle evilly in my slightly dazed state.

“You give? You can’t beat me son.” He said in a fail macho voice. I pretended to be annoyed. I sighed huffily.

“Yea, yea, just get your fat ass off me motherfucker.” It seemed like he took his time getting off me. He made a huge mistake when he turned his back to me, trying to look cool. ”Tickle Attack Mofo!" I screamed and lunged at him. I laughed hysterically with him while he turned beet red on the kitchen floor. I ran out the door and to my hated junior year, knowing that I really was going to get it when I got back.

Oh man. I thought chuckling darkly to myself. It was worth it to see him rolling around the floor like a retarded seal though. I was walking aimlessly around campus when my best friend Evan shoots out of nowhere and hugs me. Either I’m incredibly slow this morning, or everyone suddenly developed super speed. I think it’s option two.

“Kyan! I haven’t seen you in forever man! Let’s go find your classes and see if I have any with you this year.” We walked and talked about absolutely nothing important to life. I laughed so hard at something Evan said I didn’t even see the kid I ran smack into on the way to the office to retrieve my schedule. He made an oof sound. I quickly apologized for running into him, but before I could catch a good glimpse of his face, he was already walking angrily away. I made an enemy already. Dandy. Just Dandy.

“That was rude.” Evan stated. I looked at him with a question mark face.

“Me or him?”

“Him. I mean, did you see him glare at you like that? Even after you apologized? Whatever, just get in there man.” He saw his face. I wanted to ask who it was but he already pushed me into the office where several parents unhappy with their child’s schedule waited impatiently. I get to wait in the very back of the line. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. But I still waited it out. The lady at the desk looked absolutely exhausted when I finally got to her. Her face lit up immediately when she found out it was only a junior who wanted his schedule.

She happily printed it out and handed it to me, smiling a bit too widely. I thanked her and stumbled out into the fresh air of the school’s open hallway. Hallelujah, I survived. Evan looked like he about to kill over from boredom. I punched him on the shoulder and he started out of his trance.

“Oh, oh! Lemme see your schedule!” Evan said enthusiastically when he finally snapped out of being a retard. He read over my classes quickly. “Okay, cool. We have art, history and lunch together.” As if acting on cue the bell rang three annoyingly loud times. The school grounds were suddenly flooded with scared freshman, angsty sophomores and tired juniors and seniors. “We have art together first period, let’s bounce!” That was Evan’s personal way of saying let’s go, but he thought he was pimper when he said bounce. I’ll burst his bubble later. I’m not feeling the bursting bubble vibe right now.

We meandered our way to the very back of the school where our art class was. We waved hi to almost everyone we passed, since they all knew us. Most of the class was there already when we finally left the frenzied mob of students trying to get to their classes on time and walked swiftly into the large, well lit room. Miss Grace, apparently the teacher, smiled at us warmly as we found two free seats and walked towards them. I looked at the back of the classroom and froze mid way. A kid was glaring angrily at me. His blue eyes looked like they could explode violently at any moment.

“Oh right, that’s him.” Evan said from behind me when he noticed who I was staring at.

“Huh?” I said brightly.

“That’s the kid you ran into in the hallway.” I tried feebly to remember his name. Oh right, Stellan. Stellan Huefner. I ripped my line of vision away from Stellan and sat down by Evan. The bell rang again indicating the tardy bell.

“I know all of you have already picked seats and I'm sorry to dissapoint you but your assigned seats are on the board.” Ah, I knew it. If she let us pick our own seats it would be too good to be true. I walked slowly up to the board, hoping I got someone decent-ish to sit next to.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention, but whoever you’re partnered with will be your permanent partner for the rest of the year unless some predicament occurs.” I heard a loud groan ahead of me that came from Stellan. He glared at his seat on the board and turned abruptly around and marched angrily back to his seat. I wonder who he got that pissed him off so much. After the crowd had thinned I stepped up and searched for my name. Found it! And now my partner was… Stellan Huefner. What the fuck. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. Yep, I was’t going blind yet. My partner who seemd to hate my guts with a passion on only the first day of school was going to be my partner for the rest of the year. I can’t wait.
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Hey, it's Scream For Me. here. :D
Just wanted to thank our first commenter.
If I could give you a hug, believe me I would. c:

So me and BoldAngel have no idea where this story is going, but we hope you all enjoy it none the less. ;D
The characters tab will keep growing as we progress, so yea, just check that out. :3

We love you guys. xD