Status: Slow but active. <3

More Than Alive


Zarek shoved me to the ground and cracked his knuckles. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stared into his eyes. They were hallow shells of black and all I saw was hate in them. I didn’t understand why he despises me so much. I’ve NEVER done anything to him.

I stood and tried to back away from him, but he grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me back to him.

“What do you want Zarek?” I asked in a snarl and spit at him.

All he did was laugh and chuck me back to the ground.

“What do I want? I want to make you pay!”

What the fuck?!

“Pay for what?” I was bewildered.

“I want to make you pay for being gay. You stupid faggot!”

The next thing I knew Zarek was kicking and beating the living shit out of me. He hit me so hard that I couldn’t even breathe. What’s with him? He usually never hits this hard. I managed to think before almost passing out. Just as his fist was about to connect with my face and blurry figure tackled him to the ground. I squinted my eyes and tried to see who it was. Kyan maybe? I couldn’t tell because my vision was darkening and was already very blurry. I heard a mangled screech and then my world turned dark.


“Stell! Stellan wake up!”

Huh? I fluttered my eyes open a few times and then focused on Kyan’s face. His eyes were full of worry and he was mere inches from my face. I felt a blush spread across my face. I had never been this close to anyone except Zarek but that doesn’t really count. Wait a second, where the fuck is Zarek? That’s when I noticed Kyan’s slit lip. I sat up quickly my lips almost brushing his for a brief second, which made my blush worse, and looked around me. There wasn’t any sign of Zarek. What the hell happened when I was out?

“Are you alright?” I asked Kyan but wouldn’t meet his eyes.

I normally don’t have a very hot guy coming to my rescue every time Zarek decides to beat the shit outta me.

“I’m fine…but how are you?” He asked and his fingers brushed my face.

I gulped and braved a quick glance at him. His eyes were big and full of, full of just happiness. I don’t know how he does that. How can he be so happy in this shit filled world made of sadness and anger?

“Been better.” I whispered out and tried to get to my feet.

Kyan stood with me, looking like he was ready to catch me if I fell. I stumbled a bit as I made my way over to my front porch. Fucking hell I hurt all over.

“Zarek really did a number on my this time.” I mumbled out and sat down.

“You mean this isn’t the first time?” Kyan sounded like he was pissed.

And when I looked up at him to see his expression I was surprised at what I saw. His eyes were no longer happy but filled with rage. Why the hell would he get angry at what happens to me? It’s my fucking problem not his. He doesn’t need to get evolved.

“Look I’ll just see you at school tomorrow.” I told him turning on my defense system.

I turned to go inside after standing but was stopped when Kyan grabbed my hand. I froze mid-step and focused on the feel of his hand around mine. I blushed when I realized that I liked it. But I couldn’t like it, because he would never like me that way. I didn’t say anything to him, or turn back around. I didn’t even tare my hand out of his. I just stood there frozen.

I heard the creaking sound of Kyan’s foot steps as he walked around me. When he reached the point where he was in front of me he dropped my hand and pulled me into a hug. I stood stiff and unsure. I wasn’t used to anyone’s affection. Cate doesn’t even hug me because she knows how much I dislike it.

“See you tomorrow.” Kyan said and released me.

I stood there like a retard and watched him walk away. I blinked a few times like I couldn’t believe what just happened to me. Wow, holy fuck. God damnit. Shit, mother fucking, assholes that suck lama balls, fuck. That was about what was going through my head in my dazed state as I cleaned my self up in my bathroom.

I had a nasty black eye forming and bruises covering most of my back, sides and chest area. I had little cuts all along my neck, face and arms from my mother. Great just great. Now people were going to wonder what the fuck happened to me and all I was going to get tomorrow were looks of sympathy.


I thought about killing myself as I lay there that night but then shoved it from my mind when I remembered Kyan’s face when he was hovering over me. I wanted to live. I wanted to see him again. I rolled over and clutched my sheets. What the fuck Stellan, what the fuck.
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Hey guys...I changed my user again...but you already new that..maybe.
Anyways. I know I'm a few days late...sorry...I just have this problem with dead lines.
But I love all the readers and subscribers to death!! I would just hug you and squeez you and....
xD Haha yeah. So I tried to make this chapter good. Comment and tell me if I did a good job and if I didnt let me know what you think I could do different.
I always love comments. I crave comments. I need comments. COMMENTS.
Thank you all commenters. Love you <3
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