

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

Bright blue eyes and grinning air, silk and satin lying there. Fingers in her hair, shaky breaths all around, they lie silent in the shaded green and watch the world burn down. Alive but still, entwining limbs, and bliss in voices whispering: sweet and simple words surround them, blankets of their own making.

You make me happy when skies are grey.

Skipping, dancing, twirling now, in a path that shows them how to see. Sun-kissed skin with kissing lips and her darling's daring glances, laughter fills the skies when they're alone. Secret places all their own, wind and scented memories float all around. Swing, Sugar, swing up high.

You'll never know, Dear, how much I love you.

Open mouths and closed eyes, gasps and whimpers collide, just like their skin. Black and bright all at the same time, they twist and writhe together. Private shows through windows and sunlight breaking space, hands on hearts and inner yearnings, surge until they're weak. Clinging to each other, they fall to sleep.

Please don't take my sunshine away.