Status: One-shot. Complete.

Burn, Burn for Us


“Is that everyone? Is everyone off the bus?” Colussy asked, looking around the group.

Flyzik scanned the collection of band and crew, before sighing. Of course, Vinny would be missing.

“Vinny’s not here. You guys start heading out, and I’ll meet you there with him,” Flyzik sighed again, shaking his head.

“I swear that guy is never on time!”

Everyone laughed, Evan and Danny K clapping Flyzik on the back as they all headed out towards the city, to the club where they’d be celebrating the end of another fucking amazing tour. Vinny had been abnormally quiet all day, but Flyzik had just assumed that he was tired after last night’s after party. Now he wasn’t so sure.

“Vinny! Are you okay?” Flyzik called loudly, shutting the crew’s bus door behind him.

All Matt heard was a mumbled response, making him frown and worry a little more. This wasn’t like Vinny. Vinny was always the first guy out to party, loud and obnoxious, drunk and dancing. Not late and mumbling. What’s going on? Matt got his answer when he entered the lounge area. Vinny was sitting on the sofa in a pair of sweatpants, a bottle of Captain Morgan in hand.

“What the hell, Vinny? Why aren’t you dressed to come out?” Matt asked, confused.

“Didn’t want to go out,” Vinny mumbled, taking a long swig of his drink.

“But you always want to go out,” Matt said.

“Well maybe I changed my mind!” Vinny shot back.

Matt held up his hands in surrender, still not understand what was going on. What had happened to his happy-go-lucky friend to make him act like this? Matt took a chance and sat down next to Vinny, turning his body so he was facing him. He was going to get to the bottom of this.

“What’s wrong, Vin? This isn’t like you,” Matt said softly.

Vinny looked up at the tour manager, smiling weakly, before shaking his head.

“Another year, another tour, and I still can’t get what I want. And I never will,” Vinny said simply.

“What are you talking about?” Matt frowned.

Matt didn’t notice how Vinny’s eyes flicked down to his lips and back again, but he did notice a look of sadness wash over his expression. He would do anything to make sure that Vinny never looked that sad again. It was obvious to everyone that Matt Flyzik had a soft spot for Vinny, but it was never brought up in conversation. Matt just always felt overprotective of the merch guy, with no explanation, and he hated seeing Vinny upset. Like now, for instance.

“Have a drink with me, and I might tell you,” Vinny said softly.

If that’s what it would take to get Vinny to open up, Matt was more than willing to do it.

It took 2 hours for Vinny to look up at Matt with curious eyes, wide and innocent, so much so that Matt’s pants tightened a little. Shit.

“Y-Yeah?” Matt managed to choke.

“I want to tell you what’s wrong, but I don’t want you to hate me,” Vinny murmured, raising his hand to Matt’s face.

Matt felt his skin heat up, and he knows that Vinny noticed.

“I could never hate you,” Matt insisted, smiling.

Vinny seemed to hesitate for a second before he put down his bottle, placing his other hand on Matt’s cheek. Matt didn’t have time to ask what he was doing before Vinny had pressed his lips to Matt’s, kissing him like his life depended on it. Matt froze for a second, not understanding why Vinny was kissing him, but there was no way he was going to give this up for anything..

But just as Matt started responding, Vinny broke away, embarrassment clouding his features.

“I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. You don’t want me when you’re sober,” Vinny said sadly, dropping his hands.

Matt grabbed Vinny’s hands and put them back on his face, only making the shorter man confused.

“You have no idea what I want,” Matt said lowly, his eyes glittering darkly.

Vinny whimpered and wasted no time in crashing his lips back to Matt’s, kissing him hungrily. Matt moaned softly, clutching at Vinny’s polo shirt, kissing back just as eagerly. It had been so long since someone had shown interest in him like this, and he wasn’t going to waste this opportunity, especially since it was with Vinny. Matt froze again as Vinny brushed his tongue lazily over Matt’s bottom lip, but parted them to let Vinny’s tongue slide in. What started as gentle massaging soon turned into hungry tangling, and Matt felt his cheeks heat up with familiar blush as he stirred downstairs. This could be awkward. Matt tried to shift away from Vinny without letting him notice, but it was no good. Vinny’s hand reached out to pull Matt’s hip closer to him, but his hands brushed Matt’s crotch on the way. Matt cursed under his breath as Vinny broke the kiss. Of course, he had to go and ruin this.

But Vinny’s reaction wasn’t what Matt was expecting.

“Someone’s excited to see me,” Vinny purred.

It was as if Vinny’s voice was hardwired to his dick, because Matt got even harder upon hearing those words.

“You have no idea,” Matt managed to chuckle, squirming a little in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure.

Vinny grinned at how uncomfortable the tour manager was, and quickly straddled his waist, shocking Matt a little. Matt didn’t have time to protest though, because as soon as Vinny’s lips hit his neck he lost all capability to speak. Matt couldn’t control the moans that left his lips as Vinny’s lips worked their magic on his flesh, biting, licking and sucking in a way that made his head spin.

“Fuck, Vinny,” Matt groaned, clutching at Vinny’s hips.

“If you insist,” Vinny smirked.

Matt could only watch in wonder as Vinny dropped to his knees in front of him. Holy shit!

“V-Vinny, wait,” Matt choked.

Vinny paused, his hands on Matt’s belt, and frowned up at him.


“You don’t have to do this. I know you’re drunk,” Matt said with a weak smile.

He knew how much he wanted Vinny’s lips around him, but this wasn’t fair.

“You don’t know the first thing about how drunk I am, Flyzik,” Vinny laughed.

Matt started to protest again, but Vinny palmed him through his jeans, making him lose his train of thought. Before he knew it, Vinny had his hand wrapped around Matt’s leaking dick, his jeans and boxers around his ankles. Vinny’s eyes flicked up to Matt’s one last time, waiting for Matt to smile, before he engulfed Matt in the warmest wet heat he’d ever experienced.

“Oh. My. God,” Matt breathed.

Vinny just smiled.


Matt woke up on the sofa the next morning alone and confused. Why did he have a headache? Where was everyone else? Where had his jeans gone? As soon as his eyes landed on the empty bottles of Captain Morgan though, his memories came rushing back. Drinking with Vinny. Kissing Vinny. Vinny sucking him off. Jerking Vinny off. Passing out in Vinny’s arms.

So where was Vinny?

“Uh, Flyzik?”

Matt sat up quickly, too quickly. He groaned and clutched his head, only making Vinny laugh.

“Here, these might help,” Vinny offered, handing over two Advil and a glass of water.

Matt took the pills gratefully, finishing the glass of water before finally looking at the man whose friend boundary he’s definitely crossed last night.

“So, uh, last night…”

“I get it, Matt. It was a mistake to you and it won’t happen again,” Vinny muttered.

Matt swallowed heavily, before shaking his head.

“That wasn’t what I was going to say, actually,”

“What?” Vinny frowned.

Matt sighed, running his hands through his messy hair. How to say this?

“Last night wasn’t a mistake to you?” Vinny asked shyly.

Matt took a deep breath. Better late than never. “No, it wasn’t,”

The smile that spread across Vinny’s lips made Matt’s stomach fill with cliché butterflies, and he couldn’t help but smile shyly back.

“I’ve always had a soft spot for you, Vin, you know this,” Matt said quietly.

“I didn’t think it was anything more than friendship though,” Vinny said, sitting down next to Matt.

“Neither did I until last night,” Matt said honestly.

The two men fell silent, not knowing what to say now. Eventually Vinny cleared his throat.

“So what do we do now? I don’t know about you, but I really would like your dick back in my mouth at some point in the future,” Vinny said.

Matt couldn’t help but blush. Vinny had such a way with words. But what should they do?

“We’ve got a month off before the next tour. Why don’t we spend some time alone together and see what happens from there?” Matt suggested.

Matt laughed when Vinny immediately nodded, grinning. Well that was easy.

“This is going to be new for me, Flyzik. But I’m kinda excited,” Vinny admitted.

“Me too. Me too. Now, how about we wake up everyone else loudly and obnoxiously, and then go to Waffle House for breakfast?” Matt smiled.

“Uh, you’re perfect,” Vinny groaned dramatically.

Matt laughed and pressed a quick kiss to Vinny’s lips before standing up. Vinny blushed slightly before standing up too, linking his fingers with Matt’s. This may be the end of tour, but it was the start of something so much better. Matt knew that now, and there was no way he’d change it for anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't done a Flyzik OR a Vinny story before, so that was kinda fun!
I hope you enjoyed it =]

Comments are appreciated.