I Can Speak Dragon

Just Another Day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and took a quick shower then got dressed before school. When I was done I walked downstairs to the kitchen and made a bowl of Reeses Puffs cereal. When I was finished I dumped the rest of the milk down the sink, grabbed my school bag, and went outside to the garage to get my car. I sighed happily as the garage door opened and my bumble bee, as I called it, was sitting there in all of it's beauty. I hopped into the car and started driving to my best friend Adara's house to pick her up before school like always. When I honked the horn Adara came out with an apple and her one of her unusual outfits and hops in the car. She looks at me and beams her million watt smile
"Why are you so happy?" I asked

"Because I love this outfit."
I shook my head and started driving toward the high school, when we go there I parked in our usual spot closest to the football field with all the shade. We didn't really need the shade since the tempurature was cooling down and fall was coming in pushing summer out of the way. Adara and I walked into the building together then went our seperate ways, she went to see her boyfriend, Chase, at his locker while I went to my locker to get the books for my first few classes. When I got to my locker and opened it I reached in and grabbed my History, Physics, and Spanish lll book and when I closed my locker and said Avery in all her usual dressed up self.
"Hey beast." Avery said with a big fake smile plastered on her fake face

"What the hell do you want?" I asked annoyed

"I want to invite you to my party." she continued to smile

"No thanks." I said as I started to walk to my history class

"Oh but I think you do." she yellled

"Get over the fact that I had a pony at my birthday party in third grade and you didn't and leave me the hell alone!" I yelled
I heard Avery scream and I laughed as I walked into Mr.Cecc's class and sat down in my usual seat and started to think about how Avery and I became so different. As usual Adara slipped into the class just before the bell rang and took her seat next to me. I thought about the fact that we were perfect friends beacuse we're spoiled little rich girls minus the bitch.
"Ms.Dale you keep getting closer and closer to being late to my class." Cecc said with a smile

"Cecc I would never be late to your class." Adara said in a tone that if you didn't know her for as long as I have would've sounded normal,but I knew better because she had a huge crush on Mr.Cecc.
After history the day just seemed like one huge blur, when it was over I walked over to my car and waited for Adara. I couldn't help but to have a huge smile on my face because my dad was going to be home, he's a troop and this is his first time back in two years. I snapped out of my little day dream when Adara got in the car a slammed the door shut.
"I'm so happy." she sqealed

"Why?" I asked

"I can't wait to see daddy Calvery." she beamed

"That's weird." I laughed
When we got close to the woods near my house I saw a huge shadow in the sky fly deep into the woods. "Holy shit!" I yelled as I got out of the car and started running into the woods, I could hear Adara running behind me.

We ran in the woods for about five minutes before we came across a field of beautiful flowers that made the whole field smell wonderful I closed my eyes and took in the incredible scent.
"Taylor!" Adara screamed

"What?" I turned around to face her. Her eyes were huge and she looked like she was going to faint at any moment. I followed her gaze until I saw the huge shadow monster, I walked over to it but Adara stayed where she was. I got close enough to touch it and when I put my hand out to touch it the beast's eyes opened, showing off the beautiful cat like yellow and black eyes. I touched the beast's leathery skin and instantly, for some odd reason, knew what it was. "Adara this isn't a shadow monster."

"No Shit!" she yelled

"This is a dragon."
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