When Did Your Heart Go Missing?

Part 20

Eight crazy teenagers. Surrounded by bags from Hot Topic, Forbidden Planet, Guitar Center, and a lot of other random stores. In one booth. Eating off of each other's plates. One table with Japanese food, Chinese food, Italian food, Mexican food...

It was awesome.

I, of course, did not "say anything" to Frank. He really was still hung up on Remi. No point in trying to convince him otherwise.

"What college you going to, Gerard?" Sarah asked casually.

"An art school in New York," he said between bites.

"New York!" I said. "You bastard!"

"I'm not going to move there. I'll still be living with my mom, dammit."

We all laughed. Frank sat next to me. I made Bob buy me another order of burger and fries. And now Frank was eating it.

"Frank, eat your own food," I complained. He stuck a fry in his mouth.

"Make me," he spoke the fry still hanging in his mouth. I did something I would never dare to do. I bit the fry in his mouth, without letting our lips touch. A chorus of 'ooh' surrounded the booth. I felt myself blush.

"Aw, man, Mikey," Ray said. "Looks like Frank stole your girl."

"Shut up, Ray," I said, kicking him under the table. Or, you know, trying to.

"Ow!" Bob said.

"Sorry, Bob."

We all laughed. Frank stole another fry.

"Frank!" I tried to pull the fry from his grasp. The fry was so crispy that it didn't even tear. We started a French fry tug-of-war. It slipped out of my hand and hit Sarah.

"Layla did it!" Frank said, pointing at me. Sarah smiled at me, grabbing one of her own French fries. She threw it at me. I dodged it and it hit Frank.

"Oh no," Mikey said, chuckling. "Don't say it-"

But it was too late.

"Food fight!"

I glared at Bob for a moment, hating him for "saying it". But it didn't matter. The level of maturity was so low in this table. So, ketchup was flying all over the place. Noodles, grains of rice, cheese...everything. Frank pulled his arms around me.

"Hit the girl!" he said. "Not me! Hit the girl!"

Something hit my mouth. I licked my lips. Mmm, pizza sauce...

"Frank, let go!" I yelled.

"Protect the shopping bags!" Kelsey yelled. A fry hit my forehead.

"You immature idiots!" I yelled. "Frank, let go!"

I was on his lap now. His grip around my waist was much gentler. I kind of liked it.

Frank pulled me away from the both, saving me from the shot of ketchup that was about to hit me. He took me a few feet away. He let go of me and we looked at each other. We laughed.

"You have a fry in your hair," I said, pointing. He groaned and started to venture in his mop of black hair. I started running my own fingers through my own hair.

"You have pizza sauce on your face," Frank said, grinning. But before I could reach for my face, Frank grabbed a napkin from a near by table and brought his hand to my cheek, wiping it away. He threw the dirty napkin in a trashcan and laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You have ketchup all over you," he said, looking me up and down. I shoved him.

"And its your fault! 'Hit the girl!' You ass."

He shoved me playfully, still grinning. I shoved him back.

"No! I'm mad at you now!" I folded my arms and pouted, looking away.

"Oh, shut up," Frank said. When I didn't react, his arms wrapped around me again.

"Frank!" I tried pushing his arms away but he didn't budge. He rested his chin on my shoulder, rocking me slightly, back and forth. Slowly. I relaxed in his arms for just a moment. A moment that barely lasted because-

"Guards!" Gerard yelled. "Go to the parking lot before they arrest us!"

"Guards are gonna arrest us for starting a food fight?" Frank asked, snapping me out of my sedation.

"Guards can arrest us?" I questioned, trying to ignore the feeling I had from having Frank hold me like he did. 'Butterflies in stomach' is the only way to describe it.

"Just run!" Gerard repeated. Frank smiled at me, grabbing my hand. We ran away together.
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Awwwww. XD Okay. I may or may not post 21 right now. Most likely I will. You are so lucky I am so bored XD

Feedback makes my cheeks hurt from smiling and, hey, that's not a bad thing at all