When Did Your Heart Go Missing?

Part 37

I open my eyes. I'd had a nightmare; I knew it, even though I couldn't remember it. For some reason, I expected to see Frank lying next to me. Then I realize I'm not in my own bed. I look around and I'm not in my own room--I'm in Frank's room. I sit up and bury my face in my hands, remembering what had happened the night before.

But where's Frank? Why didn't he wake up beside me?

I remember the kiss and don't know whether to smile or to frown. My mind and my heart are getting on my nerves from the constant arguing. But, I tell you, for that one moment that my heart won--kissing him and in his arms, so damn close to him--I couldn't have been happier.

I know what I need. I need a chat with Kelsey.

"Layla, darling!"

I look up and there is Frank's mom, standing in the doorway and looking surprised.

"Good morning!"

I loved her. She was just so happy when she knew you were in the dumps. She walked over and sat beside me on the bed.

"How are you, dear?" she said, beaming.

"Where's Frank?"

I surprised us both with my abrupt question.

"He was sneezing all over the place," she said, shaking her head slightly. "He woke me up with all the sneezing at around five in the morning and I made him go to my room. Would've gotten you sick, too."

"He's sick?" I asked. She nodded. I sighed, remembering that Frank got sick easily because of a weak immune system or something...

"Can I go see hi-"

"Hell no," Linda interrupted. We both laughed helplessly at her sudden outburst.

"He's really bad, honey," she said. "If I catch you in there, you get kicked out of my house. It's because I care."

I sighed.

"He, uh...he called Kelsey and told her about last night. He didn't tell me, though. Of course. Kelsey said you could spend a few days with her. I'd rather you live with her than sleep with my son-"


"Oh, as if I don't know what it sounds like when two teenagers are making out. So much suction, shame on you!"

I buried my face in my hands again and heard Linda laugh. But I smiled and bit my lip anyway.

Then, she grew serious.

"Do you wanna...tell me what happened?" she asked carefully. I automatically shook my head. She smiled. "Well, there are some clothes for you waiting in the bathroom to change into if you'd like. And you better shower, young lady."

"I'm still surprised I can fit into your clothes..."

She laughed again. "I've got some chicken soup waiting for you downstairs."

She stood up and left. I looked out the window. The sun's light was dim, probably faded due to the clouds. I stood and walked out of Frank's room, making to go into Linda's. I need to just see him.

I turned the knob slowly, hoping that Linda wouldn't hear. I peeked through and there he was, sound asleep on his mom's bed. I smiled and stepped inside, slowly shutting the door behind me. I bit my lip in an attempt not to laugh when Frank let out a small snore. I walked over to the bed and knelt beside him, looking up at the red numbers on the clock radio. 11:42.

"Frankie..." I whispered. I touched his cheek and he stirred. I kissed his forehead and he groaned. His nose was red, I noticed, and just as I pulled my lips away from him, he let out a cough. His eyes fluttered as he opened them weakly.

"Hello," he said, his voice nasally. I tried not to laugh.

"Hey, sleepy head," I whispered back. He grinned. His eyes were only half-open.

"Mom said she wouldn't let you in here. Guess you just don't listen, do you?"

I smiled. "Guess I don't."

"I told Kelsey what happened."

"I know."

"I put all the, uh...bloody shirts and towels in a black bag. I'll throw them out when I get the chance."


"I don't want you to leave but I don't want you to get sick."


"There's something on your mind."

It was amazing how Frank stated that as if he just knew. He was right, but...

"Last night..." I trailed off. Frank smiled.

"You kissed me," he said.

I looked at the ground. The voices were arguing again. I didn't want to think about it.

"It's okay," Frank said. "If I'm such a bad kisser that it makes you this sad..."

I laughed helplessly.

"It's just that...I just...I can't."

I sighed.

"You can't what?" Frank asked.

"Deal...with this. With us. It hurts."

Frank sighed and weakly sat up in bed.

"You really do confuse the crap outta me," he said with a smile. He turned his head away and sneezed. Then he turned back to me. "Whatever it is...just don't think about it. You have too much to...w-worry about already. Go to Kelsey's and call Sarah and have one of those...girl days. Just forget about me."

I can't forget about you because I want you, I need you, I love you. I want you to feel the same and I think you do and I hope you do but maybe you don't and I'm just clueless and stupid and sad and blind and hopeful. But it hurts because I don't want it to hurt and I know it will and it already does.

But I didn't say any of that. I just nodded and stood. I turned around and made for the door.

"And Layla?"

With my hand on the knob, I looked at Frank. "Yeah?"

He smiled. "Don't forget about me for too long."
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it for me! Sorry, guys! Can it get worse? Yes...it can. Frank doesn't [physically] show up for a while...


*runs away from readers with torches and pitchforks, screaming* FIRE!? HAVE YOU ALL GONE MAD!? lol ^_^

But I do love you all for wasting your tme on my words =]