When Did Your Heart Go Missing?

Part 60

"Kiss me, damn it!"

We were all getting out of the limo. Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey's Parents were "out for the evening". Ray and Sarah had argued about the college thing. It was kind of sad to see such a cute couple fight over something so stupid. Ray had walked out of the vehicle angrily. And Sarah seems to...not...have...that?

The rest of us watched in amusement as Sarah ran toward Ray--who turned around, shocked--and jumped on him. Damn it, did he kiss her. Frank giggled--I mean, actually giggled--and grabbed my hand. I smiled at him. He winked for no apparent reason.

"Anyway, let's go to the pool," Kelsey said. We all ignored Ray and Sarah and walked around the large house. It smelled of barbeque and when we reached the backyard, it looked of barbeque. A picnic table had appeared from God knows where and was near a barbeque grill where M was making hot dogs and burgers. Sodas lined the floor around the table, as did bags of plastic plates and cups.

"Make a move on M if you like 'er," I heard Bob whisper, apparently to Gerard.

"Dude, salad!" Frank said, pointing at the picnic table with his free hand. I had only just noticed the salad bowl and condiments that rested on it.

"I made it for you," M said in her heavy accent. "You are a vegetarian, yes?"

"Yes! Thank you!"

Frank smiled giddily down at me. I laughed.

"Salad makes you this happy?" I asked.

"No," he stated.

"Then what reason do you have to be so happy?"

"What reason don't I have? I'm holding your hand. I'm looking at you. That's all I need to make me happy."

The butterflies in my stomach really liked their job.

He leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

"Time to eat, kids!" M said as Frank pulled away from me. Everyone ran from what they were doing and took a seat at the picnic table.

"Hey, Jeeves, c'mere," Bob said to Kelsey's too-old driver, who was standing around watching as we shoved each other to get the edge seat. Bob insisted on calling him Jeeves. He walked over slowly. Mikey and Ray automatically stopped fighting for the seat and let the man take it. M started passing out plastic plates and cups. I lost the edge seat fight against Frank and he sat there, smiling. I pushed him slightly. He fell off. What balance that boy has. Everyone laughed.

"Oh, Frankie, I'm so sorry!" I said sarcastically.

"You're so lucky you're cute," Frank said, taking the hand I offered him and pulling himself back up to his seat.

"I'm mad at you," Frank said playfully.

"Sure he is," Mikey said, shaking his head. M started passing out burgers and buns. Frank crossed his arms and pouted. I kissed his cheek.

"I'm still mad at you," he said. I kissed his lips. "Nope, still mad." I kissed his neck.

"Get a room," Sarah said.

"Look who's talking!" Bob said, referring to the make out session we'd all witnessed seconds before.

"Get a room, just not in my house," Kelsey said. Frank laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I don't think Linda would appreciate if..." Ray began. "I mean, not in her house..."

Everyone but me and Frank laughed.

"But she wants grandchildren, right?" Mikey said. I kicked them both under the table.


"Hey, M, can I ask you something?" Gerard said softly. We all looked at him. M stood by him, in all her "beauty", smiling.

"Sure, Gerald," she said. A few of us chuckled.

"Do you, uh...do you have a boyfriend?"

It was M's turn to chuckle. "You're cute, Gerald. I'm too old for you."

She patted his cheek lightly, leaned down and kissed his forehead. Then, she walked away. The rest of us laughed at Gerard's shocked expression.

"We'll find you a girl, Gerard," Kelsey said. "Don't worry."

For a little while, we enjoyed our food and random conversation, including M and Jeeves. Naturally, we stole from each other. Frank was the only one not bothered. No one wanted salad.

"No wonder you're all out of shape," Frank said, shaking his head. I elbowed him lightly. He chuckled.

"Food fight, anyone?" Gerard said.

And the ketchup went flying.

We all abandoned the table, grabbed a random whatever, and squirted. Italian dressing, mustard, barbeque sauce, everything. Something hit my face. M and Jeeves ran for cover.

"The pool!" Kelsey said. She dropped her bottle of mayo, grabbed Bob, threw his bottle of ketchup on the floor, and ran toward the pool. All of us watched as they jumped in fully clothed, holding hands.

"I second that notion!" Ray said, picked up Sarah into his arms and following suit.

"Shall we?" Mikey asked his brother, extending his hand out to him. Gerard took the gesture.

"We shall," he said. They ran into the pool together. I looked up at Frank, who was covered in so many things it was almost as if it was part of his clothes now. He smiled sweetly and walked toward me.

"Come on, guys!" Kelsey said, her head appearing. Everyone else looked at us.

"I don't know..." I said nervously.

"Ever kissed someone under water?" Frank whispered seductively, grabbing hold of both of my hands and bringing his mustard-covered body to my French dressing-covered one. And to think, we're only fourteen.

"No," I responded. He smiled, let go of one of my hands, and ran. I held my breath, clutched his hand, and closed my eyes.

A second later, the ice cold water smacked my body. I felt Frank's grip loosen completely. I swam as close to the bottom of the pool as I could, opening my eyes and looking around. It felt like slow motion. I saw six pairs of legs. And one person daring to swim as low as me. Frank smiled, a bubble floating away from his nose, and swam right into me, pressing his lips gently against mine. In slow motion. I grabbed onto his arms and we floated up together, pulling away automatically when we hit the surface to catch a breath.

"Did you just make out under water?" Bob asked. Frank smiled at me, water dripping from his hair as it fell onto his face. I smiled back.

We all lay on the grass in a sort-of circle, laughing about the game we'd played. Sarah and Ray triumphed at the first round of Chicken Fight. Mikey and Bob won the second. Kelsey and Gerard won the third. Frank and I were horrible in the game.

Yeah, that's right. Mikey was on Bob's shoulders. And, no, M and Jeeves weren't involved. They were back in the house.

The sky was dark, lighted only by dotted light from the stars that traveled light years to get here. The moon granted us a sideways half smile. We were all still wet. The night as warm and the air was cold. Slowly, we'd all quieted. I could faintly hear an owl hoot and a cricket chirp.

I couldn't be happier.

"Three of us are leaving," Ray said softly, breaking the silence.

"Four, actually," Bob said. "I'm...I'm going back to Chicago soon."

Did I mention Bob's from Chicago? Well, now you know.

It suddenly felt colder.

"We can't let this die," Kelsey choked, her confidence drained from her voice. "We're all still good friends. We'll stay that way until we're all gone."

"Technically, half of us will be in a few months," Sarah said.

Silence again. I turned my head and looked at Frank. He was looking up sadly. I reached for his hand and he smiled, gingerly holding mine back. But he didn't look at me.

"We will spend every waking moment this summer together," Frank said, turning to me. "We won't lose our hearts over this."

I smiled.

"This is sad," Gerard said. "Let's toast."

"We don't have drinks," Mikey said.

"Have an imagination, Mikey."

We laughed.

"To...good times," Gerard said.

"To...laughs," Mikey said.

"To smiles," said Kelsey.

"To friendship," said Bob.

"To us," said Ray.

"To romance," Sarah stated.

"To life," I said softly.

"To love," Frank ended it.

I smiled. This was so perfect. I didn't have to deal with school for two whole months. I didn't have to deal with the people that had made my life miserable. I couldn't stop smiling. I was surrounded by seven people that loved me and that's all that mattered. I wouldn't worry about tomorrow or "what if" anymore. Just here and now.

I turned my body toward Frank and, as if on cue, he did the same. Now, I don't know when it is that my heart went missing and I'm not completely sure why it did. I found it again a few days ago...

"I love you," Frank whispered.

The thing is, my heart went missing again...

"I love you, too," I said.

But this time I know exactly where it is. And it's in good hands.

Frank smiled softly, leaning into me. We kissed under the dim moonlight. My heart, where ever he kept it, was probably skipping a few beats.

And I wouldn't want it any other way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now I need to know if there is something I have to do after finishing a story...
Thankyouthankyouthankyou loveyouloveyouloveyou and that was the end!