Status: Stopped. Being Carried on by As Above_So Below

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

My Fault

‘‘Do you know how much I love you?’’ He’d asked me.
‘‘Yes, you tell me every day.’’ I smiled to him. We were currently lying on a field, in the middle of nowhere at about half past eleven at night. I pushed myself closer to him and lay my head on his chest. He started to run his hand through the back of my hair, letting it fall messily on my shoulders.
‘‘I’d love to just lie here forever with you, fuck everything else, this is where I want to be.’’ He then said, disrupting the silence.
‘‘Me too.’’ I agreed, smiling into him. He lifted my chin up with his right hand and looked down at me. He smiled then pulled me towards him. Our lips crashed together and he pulled me on top of him. His hands ran up and down my thighs then to my waist. I knotted my fingers in his hair, not caring we were in the middle of a field. His hands slid up my top, his cold hands brushing lightly over my skin.

‘‘Daisy.’’ I then heard, snapping out of my day dream. I looked towards my mum who had just called my name. ‘‘What were you thinking about? I’ve called your name about ten times.’’ She said.

‘‘Nothing, just zoned out.’’ I replied.

‘‘Well, since you’ve zoned back in, I need you to run to the store please.’’ I was about to argue my point not to go there but she wasn’t having any of it. ‘‘Don’t give me the excuse ‘his house is on the way’ because that’s not working. It’s been four months, Daisy, I’m sure you can be civilised again.’’

My mum understood about my break up with Alex at first, typically because she didn’t know it was my fault. I’d told my parents it was a mutual thing, and with All Time Low -his band- getting a bigger name for itself, I didn’t want to get in the way.
That was in fact a lie, though. I’d been an idiot. It was my fault we’d split up and it was my fault Alex Gaskarth was a constant dick to everyone.

‘‘Plus, this food isn’t for me and your dad, it’s for you while we’re away, so if you want to starve to death, then don’t go.’’ She told me, rummaging through her bag, most likely to find her purse.

‘‘Ugh, fine!’’ I huffed standing from my seat and walking over to her. She smiled and gave me a list and some money.

‘‘You’ll be fine. He probably won’t even see you.’’ Yeah, that was hopeful. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, Alex was always in his house, and every time I walked past he either shouted something at me, or just ignored me completely.

Ignoring me hurt most, because I’d rather him still acknowledge me for the wrong reasons then not at all.

I left the house and began to walk slowly down the street. There was no other way to the shops, because whichever way you went, his house was still on the route. I neared it and kept my head down, but I glanced quickly. He wasn’t there, no one was there. His car was also gone from the drive.
I gave a heavy sigh of relief and kept walking. I was getting closer to the shop I was going to enter when I saw it, his car in the car park. I was debating whether or not I should hide until he came out, but like my mum had said, I could be civilised by now.

Yeah right.

I neared the entrance and I could see Jack and Rian standing outside. My stomach dropped, because I knew Alex would be inside…then again, that was better than having to actually walk past him. I could avoid him in the aisles.

I walked closer and Jack stood and faced me, a smile growing on his face.
‘‘Oh my god, where the hell have you been hiding?!’’ He called to me. He was actually happy to see me? I was shocked. Rian gave a smile too and Jack hugged me.
‘‘We’ve missed you coming round to see us.’’ He then said as he pulled out of the hug.

‘‘I’m very sure I wouldn’t be welcomed by one person. I’d rather stay away to be honest, saves drama.’’ I replied, shuffling from foot to foot. I was actually horribly nervous in case he came waltzing out and saw me.

‘‘Nah, he’s missed you to…still is missing you, but you know Alex, he won’t actually admit that.’’ Jack told me.

‘‘So how do you know?’’ I asked him, raising my eyebrow.

‘‘Well, he won’t admit it to you, but to me, he did.’’ I wanted to believe this, but I knew Jack always told me what I wanted to hear, that’s what he was like. ‘‘You should come round later. Drink times, gonna be fun. Plus, Ellie misses you too.’’ He grinned. I knew this was a guilt trip. Ellie was Jack’s girlfriend, and one of my close friends, but since she was always at the house they all shared, I didn’t go see her often.

‘‘I dunno, my parents are going away for a week, I need to help them pack things tonight, might be a little busy.’’ I replied, happy he had actually invited me. I was actually mentally thanking my parents for going away though, it saved me a night of possible drunken arguments.

‘‘Ah, maybe next time then, yeah?’’ He asked, hopeful.

I nodded, ‘‘Defiantly. ’’ I replied. ‘‘Anyway, I need to do some shopping, make sure I don’t starve while my parents are gone, I’ll catch up with you later.’’ I told Rian and Jack then walked inside. I glanced around and picked up a basket. I did only need a few things so I was going to be in and out quick.

I walked up the first aisle, it was all the vegetables, which I wasn’t going to cook so I walked to the end and down the second aisle. I picked up a box of cereal, and then walked to get some bread and put them both in my basket. I reached the top and turned to go and get some milk and there he was. He stood in all perfection, slightly messy hair, his clothes hugging tightly to his body and that same expression the night we broke up.

I went all dizzy, my legs felt like they were going to buckle underneath me. He was stood behind his trolley, which was currently filled with alcohol. It was the closest I’d been to him since we’d split up and I half expected him to ram into my knees, but he just turned and walked up the aisle, Zack by his side. Zack actually acknowledged me and a grin spread across his face and he waved frantically, then stopped and walked up the aisle. Alex just stared and walked away.

Go to their house? Jack said. Yeah, like I was actually going to be welcomed by him if I went.
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Just something I'm working on, let me know what you think please?