Status: Stopped. Being Carried on by As Above_So Below

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

Going Out

I didn’t see Alex again in the supermarket. I was glad, because when I saw him, I felt so guilty. The look on his face killed me because it was me that had put it there.

When I got home I started to help my mum pack her suitcase. They’d offered to take me away with them, but I just wasn’t in the mood for a holiday. Plus, they deserved some time away from me.

They left early the next morning, I’d asked her not to wake me, because I’d be grouchy and annoyed so I didn’t hear them leave. But I walked downstairs and she’d left a note, telling me they loved me and that they’d be home in no time. It also had a reminder for no house parties…as if I’d have people to invite.

Alex had been my life and without him, I had no one. All my friends were his friends, and in good right, they chose him over me.

I really had nothing to do all day, so I sat and watched TV. I’d took the week off work from a quiet bookshop/café in case in the end I decided to go on holiday, but I hadn’t, and I hadn’t told my boss, so I had the week to myself. I honestly wanted to go to work, it helped keep my mind occupied.

My phone buzzed in my pocket so I took it out. A message flashed up so I read it.
‘Open your door noob xxx’ I smiled as I read it. I ran to the door and Ellie stood there, a grin on her face.

‘‘Daisy! I’ve missed you.’’ She yelled and ran into me. She jumped and wrapped her arms and legs around me like a small child would.

‘‘I’ve missed you too.’’ I replied, hugging her. She let go and jumped down and made herself comfortable on my sofa. I closed the door behind her and sat back in my previous seat.

‘‘Jack told me he saw you yesterday. I got horribly jealous because I wanted to see you, so I came to see you today, why haven’t you been back around the house?’’ She asked, not taking many breaths.

I chuckled a little. ‘‘Well, I think we all know the reason why I haven’t been around. And from the look I got from Alex yesterday, I don’t think he wants to see me either.’’ I told her.

She nodded and sighed. ‘‘He totally misses you; he’s just being an ass and not saying it. I’ve had many drunken talks with him, Daisy.’’ I rolled my eyes.

‘‘And the fact that they’re drunken means he probably doesn’t mean it.’’ I told her.

‘‘No, silly. The truth comes out when you’re drunk…more truthful when you’re sober, but still, it’s the truth when you’re drunk too.’’ Ellie never did make much sense.

‘‘Tell me one thing he’s said to you about me.’’ I said, folding my arms across my chest expecting her to come out with nothing.

She grinned at me, knowing I would ask her. ‘‘That he would love you to come back around and see him even though he knows he’ll be a jerk but it’s just because he’s hurt and not because he hates you.’’ She stated matter-of-factly. Ellie was like Jack though. They both told me things I wanted to hear, even if it wasn’t the truth.

‘‘Well if he knows he’s going to be a jerk I don’t want to see him, what would be the point in that?’’ I asked her.

‘‘I don’t know, all I know is that he wants to see you. And I want to see you two back together so you have to!’’ She said her tone like my mothers.

I shook my head. ‘‘I can’t do it. I can’t face him again, I can’t talk to him without knowing how much I hurt him.’’ I explained to Ellie.

‘‘Please come, Daisy? We’re all going to be there, possibly a few more added people that we don’t know but I promise you can stay with me. Just come, please.’’ She begged. Then she jutted out her bottom lip and fluttered her eyes at me.

‘‘You know that look always works, stop it!’’ I told her shielding my eyes.

‘‘Not until you agree to come.’’ She half sang to me, peeling my hands from my face. I threw my head back in annoyance.

‘‘Fine, what time?’’ I asked her, not happy about having to actually go.

‘‘Six o’clock.’’ She grinned. ‘‘Jack also owes me twenty pounds now, thank you.’’ She beamed.

‘‘You made a bet you’d get me out?’’ I asked her, knowing it was a typical thing for Ellie to do.

‘‘Of course, but I didn’t do it just for the money, Daisy. I do really want you and Alex back together.’’ I did believe her, Ellie was the one who’d helped our relationship blossom.

She’d introduced us, made sure Alex asked me out like he said he was going to, then did everything she could to stop us arguing. To her, we were her project, she wanted to prove to Jack that she knew how to get people together, and it worked, but there was just nothing she could have done to prevent our break up.
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Sorry it's been a few days. This story will be a little slow for updates since I'm already in the middle of another one.
Hope you liked though.