Status: Stopped. Being Carried on by As Above_So Below

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

I Knew This Was A Bad Idea

My feet were glued to the floor, I wanted to run up to him and shout at him back. He couldn’t blame Jack and Ellie, they didn’t know he wasn’t informed, but I couldn’t move. I just stood there.

‘‘Do you think that after what she fucking did, I want to see her?’’ Alex shouted at them both.

‘‘It was a mistake, Alex. Everyone makes them.’’ Ellie tried to defend for me.

‘‘She fucked my cousin, Ellie. My own family. I’d be more understanding if it was some random kid since I’d be able to kick the shit out of him but no, I don’t want to see her.’’ He finally stopped shouting. I dropped my glass and it smashed on the floor beside me. It seemed to grab their attention.

Alex spun around to see me, anger filled his face. Ellie stood on one side of him, an apologetic look in her eyes. She stepped forward but I took a step back.

‘‘I knew this wasn’t going to end well. It was always a bad idea.’’ I muttered, trying to keep my tears in. I was only hurt because Ellie had told me he wanted to see me in their ‘drunken talks’ it was clearly all a lie.

I ran out of the house and back down the street to my own house. I could hear the music starting to fade out in the background. I reached my house and unlocked my door, struggling since I was so drunk.

When I got inside I locked the door again and slumped to the floor, ignoring the ringing of my phone that was in my pocket. It stopped then started again, but I left it. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, but after about the sixth time of it ringing my house phone started.

One of the rules from my parents was to answer the house phone in case it was them. They’d panic if I didn’t, so I stood up and walked slowly to it. My hand hovered over it for a few seconds while I debated whether or not to pick it up, I knew it would be Ellie anyway.

I inhaled deeply then picked it up; I could hear faded music then a frantic voice.

‘‘Daisy, why didn’t you pick up, you worried me, I thought you’d been kidnapped on the way home, don’t do that again!’’ Ellie shouted down the phone at me.

‘‘Sorry Ellie, I just wasn’t in any state to talk to anyone.’’ I told her, slouching against the wall, trying to steady my drunken self.

‘‘It’s OK, I forgive you. I have someone here that wants to apologise.’’ My stomach dropped, I wanted it to be Alex, just to hear him being civil with me, but I also wanted it to be Jack, just so I didn’t have to be awkward on the phone with Alex.

I heard rustling, then I heard a faint ‘no’ then a sigh, a ‘fuck you’ then breathing down the phone. It was like that for a few minutes. We didn’t speak to each other. But I sucked up the courage to speak first.

‘‘Ally?’’ I asked him. I knew he'd snap when I called him that, for some reason, I was the only person not allowed to use that name. I called him Ally the first day I'd met him. His hair was long and he was wearing a pink t-shirt. I'd told him he looked like a girl and from that point I was going to call him Ally. The name just stuck and other people started to use it, but after a while he got annoyed when I called him it...he just never said why.

‘‘Don’t call me Ally. You know I don’t like it when you call me Ally.’’ He snapped down the phone as I knew he'd do. I smiled slightly, one reason for hearing his voice, the other because I knew he still cared.

‘‘Sorry, Alex.’’ I muttered. ‘‘What did you want to say?’’ I asked him, falling to my side slightly. The alcohol was very much getting to me.

‘‘Ellie’s making me do this…’’ he started. ‘‘…oh shit, I didn’t mean it like that, I wanted to do this as well, but she pushed me into it…I’m not making this better.’’ He rambled. ‘‘I just wanted to say sorry, for saying what I said. I did want you there, I just didn’t expect it and I got all angry because of the drink and I was all unprepared. Sorry.’’ He continued.

‘‘Its fine, Ellie and Jack both thought you knew I was coming. Don’t blame them, please.’’ I asked him.

‘‘Yeah, I had to apologise to them too. Anyway, you gonna come back?’’ He asked me, sounding hopeful.

‘‘No, I’m going to bed now, thanks for the apology, g’night.’’ I said then put the phone down.

I wanted with my whole heart to go back, just because he’d asked me, but I knew it would lead to drunken antics, arguments and regret. We still weren’t on friend terms so I didn’t want him to force our relationship back together when he was drunk and didn’t mean it.
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