Status: Stopped. Being Carried on by As Above_So Below

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

I Want To Talk

I woke up because my head felt like it was going to explode at any minute. I took a few tablets to help calm it but they weren’t really taking effect. I felt ill at the sight of food so I made myself a glass of water and sat down in front of the TV. I hadn't had so much to drink in so long so I’d forgotten how bad a hangover could be.

I wasn’t planning on doing anything; I was just going to sit and mope about until my headache left but a phone call changed my plans…and actually gave me plans.

‘‘Please come meet me? I want to talk to you, be normal, and actually have a conversation!’’ Alex asked me. I was shocked, I wasn’t sure why he wanted to see me, or what we could talk about, but I agreed anyway.

I got myself dressed and left the house, walking to the only place he wanted to be. Our field in the middle of nowhere.

It wasn’t actually in the middle of nowhere, but it was always deserted. It was about twenty minutes walk, so I left earlier than he wanted to meet so I didn’t have to keep him waiting.

It was nice outside; the sun was shining down, warming up my bare arms. I remembered the day I split with Alex as I walked.

‘‘Get the hell out of my house, now!’’ Alex had shouted at me. He had a right to be so angry, what I’d done and what he’d caught me doing was unforgivable.
‘‘Please, let me explain, it didn’t mean anything, I swear, Alex, talk to me.’’ I ‘d cried to him. He didn’t understand how sorry I was. I’d have acted the same way to be honest though.
'‘Explain? There isn’t a thing you can explain, Daisy.’’ He yelled in my face. He threw my shoes at me, and then launched my bag down the stairs. I ran to pick it up, ignoring all of our friends and his band mates that were sat in the living room listening to everything.
I ran out of his house, crying all the way to my own.
When I got to my house I ran straight up stairs, working out a lie to tell my parents of why I was crying. I couldn’t exactly say my boyfriend had walked in on me and his cousin…doing things we shouldn’t have been doing. My parents actually adored Alex, it was just a shame they wouldn’t see much of him after that.

I snapped out of my daydream to someone shouting my name. I looked across the street and Alex was standing there, waving a little then shoving his hand back in his pocket.

His hair was perfectly messy on top of his head, but his eyes look tired, like he'd not slept in a while. He'd clearly made no effort into getting dressed since his shirt was creased and his jeans had a large stain on the knee.

I crossed the road then stood a little away from him, I looked down at myself and how I'd also made no effort into getting ready. I'd thrown on a pair of old tattered jeans I found and an extra large jumper that was shoved to the back of my wardrobe.

‘‘Thought you would’ve driven down.’’ I said, breaking our uncomfortable silence.

He shrugged, ‘‘Needed the air. Clear my head, it hurts a bit.’’ He said, rubbing it a little.

I nodded and we continued to walk in silence until we reached the field. Like we always used to, we cut across the grass, and into the corner, out of the way of anyone that could happen to walk by.

We both took a seat on the grass, I crossed my legs and began to pluck at the grass while Alex imitated me but instead of plucking at the grass, he balanced himself on his hands and leaned back a little. I could see him staring at me so I refused to look up until he spoke. I wasn’t the one that wanted to talk so he needed to say something.

‘‘It still hurts, what you did to me.’’ He started. A pang of guilt shot through me. I knew it still hurt him, but having him say it hurt more.
‘‘I haven’t spoken to Aiden since. He’s tried, but I can’t bring myself to even look at him. Why, Daisy? Why’d you do it?’’ He asked me.

I finally looked up at him. He looked completely worn out and sick of this ongoing problem we had between us. There was nothing I wanted more than for him to forgive me, and an explanation was a step closer to that.

‘‘Honestly…I don’t know. I didn’t even know he was your cousin.
You had been ignoring me all night. To be honest, a few weeks before I did it you’d been paying less attention to me.
I felt like you just didn’t want me any more. I honestly felt like you were just using my name, like you didn’t care about me.
I was drunk, I know that’s not an excuse, but I was. He came up and started talking to me, god knows where you had gone so I sat and talked with him for longer.
He kissed me and I’ll admit I didn’t stop him. I felt like doing that was going to get you to notice me again, get you to love me again.’’ That was the best explanation I could give, because it was true. I thought Alex didn’t love me any more so I cheated on him to get him back…total fail of a plan.

‘‘Seriously? You thought cheating on me was going to get me to love you?’’ He laughed, but sarcastically.

‘‘You wanted an explanation, Ally so don’t fucking start with the sarcasm.’’ I raised my voice at him.

‘‘What did I say about my name?’’ He asked me, leaning forwards off his hands. I knew it got him angry when I called him Ally, I just didn’t know why.

‘‘Ally, Ally, fucking Ally!’’ I yelled at him. It felt good to get my anger out, I’d kept it all wrapped up in me for far too long. I knew I shouldn’t be mad at him, he did nothing wrong, but I was angry at myself and needed to let it out.

Unfortunately for him he was the first one to get it unleashed on.

He looked away from me, balling his fists and breathing heavily.

‘‘Why the hell did you ask me to talk to you if this is all it’s gonna come down to?’’ I asked him, trying to get him to look at me.

‘‘I didn’t want it to turn into an argument but somehow it always seems to.’’ He glared at me as he spoke.

‘‘Oh, and that’s my fault? All I did was tell you what you wanted to hear and you got all stupid about it. I told you honestly why I did it, it wasn’t reasonable I know, I should have just talked to you about it, but I’d tried that, you ignored me, told me I was being stupid. You told me that things were the same and there was nothing to worry about between us, but I knew things were getting different, you just wouldn’t admit that.’’ I shouted at him, it was the last of my anger coming out. I was feeling a lot better with myself.

‘‘Things were changing…’’ he yelled. ‘‘I was ignoring you but for good reason!’’ His voice was loud, we were causing a scene in the corner of the field.

‘‘What are you talking about?’’ I asked him, my tone calming. He looked up at me slowly, his eyes holding a mix of anger and guilt.

‘‘It doesn't matter, forget it.’’ He said, sounding like he'd never mentioned anything.

''If you don't tell me now I swear I'll never speak to you again.'' I half expected him to shrug and be happy with that answer.

''Just forget it, Daisy.'' He snapped glaring at me.

''No! I wont just forget it. I want to know what was changing, why things were different and why-'' I was cut off mid-sentence by a line I never wished to hear.

‘‘I cheated on you too!’’ He yelled.
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