Status: Stopped. Being Carried on by As Above_So Below

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

I Actually Hate You

Now I had the right to be angry at him. I had the right to knock him out, but I didn’t, I just got up from where I was sat and started to walk away.

‘‘Daisy, please listen to me.’’ He shouted, running after me.

‘‘Don’t contradict yourself now.’’ I yelled back, not stopping. For the past four months I’d wanted to talk to him and he wouldn’t listen; but he thought he was all high and mighty and I needed to listen to him? I don’t think so.

‘‘I listened to your explanation now you should listen to mine.’’ I stopped walking, I was so angry but I knew he was right. I wanted to be the bigger person, so I turned and walked over to him, leaving a short distance between us.

‘‘Spit it out then.’’ I snapped.

‘‘It happened about seven month ago…’’ he said, stepping closer to me. I stepped back a little. ‘‘It was the tour we were on, we had a party afterwards…’’ I cut him off after that.

‘‘You cheated on me with some band slut?’’ I asked him, anger about to boil over. ‘‘You could have had anyone, hell, even Ellie, but some random chick who’s no doubt riddled with disease? You are fucking disgusting, Ally.’’ I shouted at him, I turned to walk away again but in the matter of minutes he was next to me, holding onto my arm.

‘‘Don’t start with the whole ‘don’t call me Ally’ thing, because I don’t give a shit, you won’t give me a reason for why I can’t call-’’ then it actually dawned on me. I’m not sure how I came to that conclusion but I did.
‘‘Me calling you Ally reminds you of her, doesn’t it?’’ I asked him. A thought flashed across my mind but I brushed it away quickly. It sickened me.

‘‘Yes, OK, it does. I was drunk, just like you were, I needed someone with me, just like you did and it’s been fucking killing me to keep it in for so long.’’ He sounded relieved after telling me, he dropped my arm and inhaled sharply like he was going to have a fit.

‘‘You made me feel so bad, doing that to you. You made me feel like I was the shittiest person alive for hurting you like I did, and all the while, you had already hurt me? I actually hate you, Alex. I hate you.’’ I stormed away from him.

I couldn’t bear to look at his face. I’d called him Alex because I didn’t want that girl to come into his mind. I didn’t want him to think of her every time I spoke to him and called him Ally. I hated him, but I still loved him, and I didn’t want him to think of other girls over me.

I got home and called Ellie, telling her I needed to talk to her. She said she’d be over in a few minutes so I sat and waited. She didn’t bother knocking on the door; she just let herself in, wrapping her arms around me then taking a seat on the sofa.

‘‘What happened? Alex is all angry and going crazy back there.’’ She said, worry in her eyes.

‘‘He’d already cheated on me…’’ I muttered to her. It’s all I could actually get out.

Her mouth dropped open, I watched her as she tried to say something but she just kept gurgling out these strange noises.

‘‘It was when they were on tour, they had a party, he was drunk…seven month ago, Ellie, and he’s made me feel this bad after doing it to him when he’s already did it himself.’’ I was so angry but I didn’t raise my voice, it wasn’t Ellie’s fault he’d done that, she didn’t deserve to be shouted at.

‘‘I don’t understand, he prided himself on being faithful to you, he never even looked guilty about anything when he got back…’’ Ellie sounded confused; her ‘project’ hadn’t really worked out.

‘‘He knew I’d never find out unless he or someone else told me, and I don’t see his best friends telling me…do you?’’ I asked her. She shook her head, still looking slightly confused.

‘‘That means Jack would’ve known! And he didn’t even tell me!’’ Ellie shouted.

‘‘Ellie calm down, he probably didn’t because he’d know you’d tell me, just forget it, I’m sick of dealing with Alex and everything else that comes with him.’’ I told her, and she grabbed onto my hand.

‘‘Maybe we should go get drunk tonight? Just us two girls, forget boys and their drama.’’ She smiled to me.

I nodded and smiled back. If it was only the two of us, then nothing could go bad, no arguing, fights or more hurtful truth.
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Thank you for all of the comments. Really means a lot and gives me a lot more motivation to post quicker for you =]