Status: Stopped. Being Carried on by As Above_So Below

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

Stop It

I'll admit, I almost lost myself in the kiss with Alex, but then I realised what I was doing and pushed him away.

''What are you doing?'' I asked, pushing his chest back from me with one of my hands, covering my mouth with the other.

''It just felt like the right time...'' Alex mumbled, looking at me with slight guilt.

''The right time? Seriously?'' I shot, shaking my head in disbelief.

Alex didn't say anything, he just stood looking sorry for himself, the way he used to look at me when we were together and he wanted his own way in a situation.

I sighed and walked past him, back into the club to find Ellie and the rest of the guys. I just wanted to enjoy myself without needing Alex to help.

''Where did you go?'' Ellie asked as I sat back down next to her.

''Alex wanted to talk...'' I replied, not letting her in on what else had happened. He returned a few moments later looking a little perkier and joined in conversation with the guys.

''What did he want to talk about? He looks happy.'' Ellie asked curiously, staring at Alex.

''About how he is so sorry for what he did, blah blah blah.'' I told her, not wanting to go through the whole sorry story again.

Ellie dropped it there by nodding and taking a sip of her drink.

''Want to go dance?'' Ellie asked, grinning. I nodded and smiled. We both finished off the last of our drinks and headed to the dance floor, leaving Alex and the others to continue their own conversation.


''I have to sit down, my feet hurt.'' Ellie called over the music. We'd been dancing for hours so I wasn't surprised.

''I'm good to go, I want to dance some more!'' I called back grinning. I was so drunk I didn't even care I was alone and dancing amongst strangers. I was the happiest I'd been in months and I wanted to keep that feeling.

I wasn't sure what time it was or if any of my friends had left me, I didn't want to go find them because I knew they'd make me leave and spoil my fun.

''Hey.'' I heard someone say in my ear from behind.

I spun to see some random kid I'd never seen before. He was stood grinning at me like a fool.

''Yes?'' I questioned, wanting him to leave me alone.

''I just wanted to see if you needed a dancing partner. You looked lonely.'' He stated, getting too close for comfort.

''Well...I sure don't feel lonely so if you don't mind, I'd like you to leave me alone.'' I snapped, turning away from him.

''So you're turning down my offer?'' He asked, grabbing my arm and spinning me back around to face him.

''Leave me the fuck alone!'' I yelled then punched him in the nose. I didn't know what came over me. I was never violent.

Suddenly the boy squared up in front of me, pushing me back a little. I was in no mood for guys and their jerk ways. I'd had enough to last me a lifetime from Alex, I didn't need drama from some douche bag.

''You're gonna hit me?'' I questioned, almost egging the boy on to do so.

I could see the anger growing in his features. Others had stopped dancing and stood around us, waiting to see what was going to come of the argument.

He pushed me back once more, this time with a little more force. I suddenly went to lunge at him when someone pulled me back by my waist and carried me out of the club.

''What the hell were you thinking?!'' Alex yelled at me, Ellie and the rest of the guys standing around, their mouths hanging open slightly.

''He was going to hit me, I wasn't just going to stand there and let him!'' I shot back.

''He could've pulverised you.'' Jack spoke up, clutching Ellie's hand tightly as if someone were to almost hit her too.

''I would have been fine. Anyway, why do you care? I'm none of your concern now.'' I snapped at Alex, glaring at him.

''What, because we aren't together you aren't my concern? I can't look out for you? I can't care about you? Well tough luck, Daisy, I can't stop that!'' Alex yelled in my face making me feel so small around him and everyone else.
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I apologise a million times over for not updating sooner. I've been busy with work and my nvq etc.
I will try update asap. Sorry...