
Chapter 1.

Miyoko Sicarius woke up startled, sweat, wet and disgusting, had appeared on her forehead, and shoulders, “Lovely.” she muttered as she sat up on her bed, she belonged to Sicarius, an elite assassin group. However, they do not kill for fun, they have a purpose, and sometimes this purpose was not at all wise. It was how she was raised, how could she revolt, against her family, her friends? No. Miyoko landed gracefully on the soft carpet next to her bed, the child, in her dreams, Miyoko Zen was no longer alive, she died with her parents in that “electrical” fire. It had been twenty years, and Miyoko was still plagued with the memories, but it was not the memories that were painful, but the skepticism… why would her father do murder and suicide.. he was such a gentle, loving man. Why would she have been abducted by the assassin? Those thoughts plagued her mind while she also took her reading, studies and fighting lessons. Life was alright as for assassins go, but that was all she knew.

It was a knock that took her away from her questions, her worries, but when she heard the words that followed it, she glared. “Here kitty, kitty.” The deep booming voice normally made her squeal with joy and love. Hayoto was a very loving, and wonderful man, he was like a bear really, the 36 year old man was her best friend. He was first in command, with eyes like a falcon, reflexes like a cat, and the weight of a bear. Miyoko’s eyes were slits as she glowered at him, “I warned you.” She hissed and leaped out of the door, landing on the ground with a light thud, almost like a cat as she pounced on Hayoto, “My.” She pushed him down as he laughed, “Name is not.” She latched her small fingers around his throat, “Kitty.” She nearly bit him.

When Miyoko was two, surrounded by all of these men, teenagers, and older children she was huddled in the blankets terrified. They said she looked like a small kitten, small, afraid, and utterly alone. From then on she had been called Kitten by the group, all but Katsu, who called her, “That girl.” With disgust, naturally. For years Miyoko tried to make Katsu like her, but it was all in vain, and Miyoko just ignored her for the most part. As long as she wasn’t threatened, Miyoko didn’t care about Katsu at all. Katsu and her twin, Katsurou were the “fox twins” among the group, inseparable, sneaky, and fast, like foxes.

Hayoto’s booming laughter made Miyoko laugh as well, it was conyagious, comforting… it was home. “On a serious note, kitten.” Hayoto said, standing up quite easily, prying Miyoko from him with one hand, “The Royals have requested a meeting, we have a hit.” Once more they would risk their lives to take someone else’s. Once more they would do things only the insane would attempt. Miyoko couldn’t wait.