
Chapter 2.

All of the Assassins sat down, they were each of them clear to see and Miyoko knew every one of them by how they sat and their faces. Ryuu stood up, the king, their leader, his name meant Dragon, and Dragon he was. He was dressed in a Japanese Leader’s robes; there is no other way of describing it, “We all know of Ansatsu-sha, they are our rivals, our hated companions in this profession, over the years we have indeed wiped out their best assassins.” As he spoke Miyoko knew some people looked over, almost nervously, she took a deep breath and looked at Ryuu, her eyes glancing over Junko, his glasses slid like on water down his nose and he shoved it back up. He was so quiet and reserved, she knew he cared about everyone, she smirked at Katsu, her hateful cold eyes boring into Miyoko’s own.

Nori stood casually, his black suit and hat his own casual outfit as he looked over at Ryuu, “And what is it that they have done this time?” he asked with a frown, “If they so much as sneeze we are on them like kiseichū, parasites, what good are we doing to them? Assassins killing assassins, how civilized we must seem?” his voice never raised but he had an uncanny ability to make others see his way, perhaps his name was perfect, rule, he could rule quite easily. He was like Ryuu’s own blood, but he wasn’t. He carried a hateful look that Ryuu never carried. Ryou chuckled from his own seat, not bothering to stand. He was one of the most prized assassins perhaps, he had a slow smooth way and nothing seemed to affect him. “Sit child.” He told the twenty-eight year old, being only two years his senior. “If Ryuu has us do something, it is for a purpose none of us need to meddle in.”

Osamu chuckled dryly, “Come now Ryou, because your name is so similar to Ryuu does not mean you are half as good, nor are you allowed to boss around anyone, except perhaps Miyoko, but our kitten is rather young.” Miyoko rolled her eyes and looked amongst her friends, “I was trained well.” She said, her voice carrying the perfect amount of venom to threaten him. Kasumi giggled from her seat, “Come now, we are all family. They would try to kill us the same as we want them eliminated. After all, we are superior. Isn’t that right Mayu?”

Mayu laughed softly, “Children you bicker over the simplest things.” She informed airily. Minoru- Ryuu and Mayu’s conceited and self-absorbed daughter laughed at all of them, and Miyoko felt a pitter of hate for the woman.

“I, unlike some of you, have enough faith in Chichi and Mama, they always have reason enough for their actions.” She spoke with a smile in her voice but Miyoko rolled her eyes. Suck up.

“What is in store for us?” An unexpected voice came from near Miyoko, Naoki leaning against the wall, he had a tight fitted white shirt and jeans, all of his muscles perfectly showing, it was hard to believe he wasn’t an assassin, and he was the coordinator with the other scholars, they made sure that everything went smoothly. “I have to make sure that we are doing something within our abilities, and I have to know where we are going.”

“Ansatsu-sha, Naoki. We are going there, again.” Isanu spoke with worry in his voice, and he was known for his courage, Naoki showed light surprise, “I see. I shall begin. Kohaku, if you will.” He held out his hand. Kohaku stood up, her long hair falling down her back, she and Naoki had been dating for a few weeks, both scholars, both very loving and careful about the other people in the group. “I will see you guys later.” She informed with a small smile and they walked out.
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I was going to put both the raid and the meeting in this, but this gives you an idea about all of her family and friends. And if you want to know about how they look, check out the characters tab.
The sooner you comment the sooner them going out and killing people.
Oh, and there will be a giant fight next chapter... but not by the people you think.