
Chapter 4.

“Target down, man injured. We need help- fast.” Were the first words out of ever calm Miyoko’s lips. Inside she was a burning bit of fiery Hell. That was the only way to describe it.

An assassin doesn’t have many religious beliefs. Because if they did, they would know for sure they would burn, and by that, they would all torture themselves to oblivion. It wasn’t sane for them to believe in God, therefore they were all either naturalists, or atheists. But even though Miyoko was a naturalist, she sent a short prayer for her friend, she took out her knife and tore a strip of fabric from her clothing, she wrapped the black fabric around his wound tightly, creating a tourniquet of sorts with a long stick she found.

His chestnut eyes bore into hers with such intensity that she almost broke down in tears, “You are not going to die, Otōto, brother. I will not allow it.” She swore and took hold of his hand tightly. “They are coming. Deep breaths, brother, you will be fine. Talk to me.” Her words were automatic, she didn’t want him in pain, but she damn well didn’t want him dead.

It felt like hours, Miyoko waiting, sitting on the ground while the war outside was going on until Hayoto beat his way inside, “What happened?” were the first words out of his mouth as he lifted Ryou and looked for a way out. The seconds ticked on slower than molasses, as the hand started to lose strength she looked down at him, “Remember when I first arrived?” She wanted him to talk.

A faint chuckle.

I remember.” He whispered. “I had just turned ten years old,” Labored breath, “you were on the ground huddled in a mess of colorful blankets. Red, green, blue, pink, you name it.” She had heard this many times before, but it had him talking and not dying. “You could just walk, and you stood up and ran to me. Thinking I was your father. ‘Chichi’, you yelled, ‘save me, save me they are trying to hurt me.’ But I wasn’t your father. That night…” labored breath, “you had slept in my bed with me. It was like love at first misconception.” He laughed but it was pained.

“Eyes open, tiger.” She snapped and his eyes grudgingly opened once more. “I’m going to die, sister.” He whispered.

Miyoko slapped him harshly, “You will not die.” He hissed.

Hayoto looked around frantically, looking in every direction before he caught sight of the open window. “Kohaku, where can we escape?” he hissed through his microphone. The soft female voice came through the speakers, “Hayoto, Miyoko, keep Ryou awake and alert. If that means pressing into his wound, do it. And do it fast. Now, the open window where Ryou entered, to your right, go through it and take a left. Nori and the car are waiting. Get him in, and back to us fast. Paramedics are ready.”

Hayoto took a chair and climbed on it, Setting Ryou outside he jumped through, Miyoko leaped up after him and once more took Ryou’s hand, they started to run, Miyoko wasn’t having as hard of a time as Hayoto, whose breath was labored as he ran through the fighting with Ryou in his arms. “Come on Ryou, hang in there.” Tears were pushing on the back of her eyes, but she forced them down. She couldn’t cry, not at that point.


Her knife came down on the man’s throat, her large charcoal eyes boring down into his chocolate eyes as the life drained from his body.

“No one, not even you, threatens my family.” Katsu stood and darted off into the distance, leaving the fighting to join her twin brother in his own battle. “Katsu, get out of here!” were the first words out of her brother, fighting two men at once, Katsu took out her gun and shot them both easily, “You forget brother. I never leave without my gun, I know your preferences however.” She eyed his fighting knife with a slight smirk.

“Come on, sister. We have idiots to kill.”