Facing the Unknown

Life, it's such a fragile word isn't it? It can represent hope when bringing someone new into the world. It can represent comfort, to know there's another day ahead. It can represent a miracle when someone is saved. But, it can also represent hardships. Life is full of its twists, turns, and bumps, and for some people they seem bigger than average.

Rileigh Palms was only sixteen. Sixteen years old when the car she was riding in collided with another head on, permanately blinding her. She now faces some of the biggest hardships of her life; learning to live without sight.

She wants to give up hope. She doesn't want to move on. And she can't help but wonder, why did this happen to her?

Somehow she must find hope, and Face the Unknown.


(c)Beautiful.mess; and Nanook
--The story plot, characters, and title belong to us. They all came from our little brains. ;)