Not Your Normal Thing

Chapter 02







Finally! Today is over! Thank what ever god/gods are out there. I dont think that I would have been able to survive another second of that damn class. I mean really. The teacher is annoying as all get-out. The students are possibly the worst classmates to have because their most of the "popular" group (including three of the new boys). AND the subject being taught is boring! Who in their right mind would want to stay in a class where the teacher drones on and on about chemistry? I fall asleep all the time in that class!!! its like having the "clear eyes" guy teach the class! At least with the clear eye's guy it would be more entertaining...

But no, I must suffer almost two hours every other day with Mr. eye drops. Though being able to finally say "I'm done with this shit!" at the end would be a nice way to break off the new year. For now, I think I'll just stay with being able to leave right as the bell rings and being the first out of the school to the Senior parking lot... and right to my baby...

Ahh the joys of being a driver.

But not just any driver, I'm driving a 1970 black Charger with lime green racing stripes and my own tribal decal on it. Yes, its the same type of car that Vin Diesel had in that racing movie... except mine's not as hot.... BUT its still sexy, at least I like to think so (along with many guys from the school).

Like usual, I'm waiting for Lola to make an appearance. Seem's like she's late today... hmmm the teacher must have held her back to talk about her grades or something. She's pretty smart for being a cool chick. I actually think that she's almost the valedictorian this year... But i could be wrong... I dont know.thinking hurts my brain! especially after that lecture I had to sit through....

'To ease my hurting head while I wait on my tardy other half I think I'll just listen to Chris Browns song "look at me now"' I think to myself. So I propped my feet up and choose that song from my plugged in iPod. When the song started I sang along. And just as it was getting to my Fave. part (busta rhymes's part) I herd some shouting and cussing. Hoping that its not Lo, I look to see where its coming from.

Its not Lo. Its the new guys, and it appeared like the whole lot of them were here. From my spot a few spaces down it looked like there was something wrong with their engine... and they were throwing a bitch fit over it! Wow. talk about spoiled. Some of the guys from our auto's club go over and try to help them. But they cant seem to figure out whats wrong either....

My vision gets obscured someone. I look up and see Lo walking toward my car and yelling to the guys at the same time. Then I finally here what she's saying

"... See if she can come help! Her dad has a truck like that that she messes with all the time! Not to mention her baby!! Hold on!" Then she turns to me and walks the last few steps to me.

She doesn't even have to say anything. "You volunteered me again didn't you?"

".... Maaaaaaybeeeeee......" She says, then she starts giggling and continues, "I just thought it would be funny to see you show up all those guys. Plus I like looking at your ass while its bent over a tall engine like that" She winks after the end of that statement.

I sigh and get out of the car. " I swear you really ARE gay sometimes.... Its a good thing I'm bored. or else they would have to suffer." I say.

She squealed in my ear and hugged me. "EEEEEE!!! Now I get to see your ass AND flirt with the new guys while their looking at your ass too!" At that one, I laughed.

We walk over to them and I almost instantly regret it. I didnt see John here. He's a member of the auto club just to be a member. He's also been after my nuts for a long time. too bad he's not going to get them ANY time soon.

He grins and says "oh my savior! Please work that magic I know you can, your hands are like a goddess's!.... OH and can you help with their truck too?" He cockly laughs with his friends as I push past him.

"I've told you before! I only work my magic on people who have dicks that i can actually FIND!"

That got me a pleasant name from him and some props from the rest of the guys.

"alright, lets see whats wrong. what happened to make it stop working?"

One of the HOTTEST guys i have ever seen steps up to me. I'm almost too distracted by his sexyness that i dont pay attention. But I'm skilled so i got the jist of the info.

"sounds like you'r bat. is taking on too much. Where is it?"

He got up on the wheel of the truck and pointed down. This means one thing....

They have to see my ass....

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like the second chapter. I like detail but if I have too much then just let me know k?

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