Speed Up Your Breathing

Who Are Your New Friends?

I was pressing my back against the corner of the wall, so hard, but I couldn't back away any further. That William guy was right, I was in a bus. I could see the door but William was sitting on the other end of the couch and if I ever tried to run out he could stop me easily. I can't escape this. I was breathing heavily and my eyes were searching the bus franticaly, at least my bag was right there.

"Please tell me-" I started saying when I saw William's eyes focus to something behind me. I turned around to see four either tattooed or long haired guys standing there. They didn't seem like bad people per say, but you know what they say right? Stranger, danger?

At the sight of the four guys I backed in fear, only to stop halfway on the couch because William was still there.

"Hey Alexia! It was about time you wake up! We were starting to get all worried, especially Bill!" One of the guys said, I just stared at him for a second.

"Who, who are y-you? How the hell do you know my name?" I asked, still petrified.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Adam Siska, call me Sisky, these boys here are Mike, Michael and the Butcher, or Andy but that's boring, and the tall handsome man who was watching over you, as you might already know, is William." He sais with a huge smile accross his face like we were best buds or something. "And as for you name, I am sorry... I went through your...ehm... journal..." He said blushing and looking down at the floor.

I was slowly comming back to my senses. I took a few seconds to stare at each boy in silence, then I bursted out laughing.

"Hahahaha, oh man, that's funny, ahh, ok so I got hit by The Academy Is...'s tour bus. Oh... that's glorious, where's the camera?" I said getting up and trying to find one.

"Woah, ok I think you might have hurt your head when you fell, Alex. Well at least you know who we are, so that's cool, but we actually really did hit you with our bus." Sisky said.

I froze. "This makes no sense! I know, for a fact that I was in New York, just... Wait, where are we?"

"Toto, I have a feeling, we're not in New York anymore!" Mike dramatically said, making all the other guys laugh, except William.

"We just got in Rhode Island," William said to me with a little smile.

I took a deep breath. "So, gentlemen, if I understand this right, you hit me with your bus in the streets for New York city, which has left me unconscious for lord know how long, and we're now in Rhode Island. And no one thought of taking me to a hospital!? What are you guys, retarded? How did you know I was ok!? This is unbelievable!" I screamed, collapsing on the couch, not to far from William.

"Listen, you passed out for thirty or forty minutes, and you weren't bleeding or anything, the driver said he didn't hit you hard, and that you more or less just fell to the ground." Sisky tried to plead.

"And what am I supposed to do now? Stuck in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of idiots!" I started sobbing.

William got closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder, before I could say anything, he said : "Shh, hey, don't cry. Everything's gonna be fine. We might all be idiots, but we're your favorite band, and we just started a huge nation wide tour."

"What does that mean? How do you know The Academy Is... is my favorite band?" I asked sniffling. As an answer, William simply pointed to Sisky.

"Yes, I know, journal, shouldn't have. I'm sorry!"

"And what would I have to care about your tour?"

"Well, you're traveling, aren't you?" William asked.

"Yeah... I guess someone saw that in my travel journal?"

"He did, well we all did, fact is, you should stay with us on this whole tour! It's a great opportunity to travel!" William said, visibly getting all excited.

"What!?" I heard all the guys scream at once.

I just laughed, but I don't think William was joking. He had one hand on my shoulder and the on other one was now clasping my hands, and he was looking at me straight in the eyes. There as no way I could even consider staying, I think, butgosh was he ever hot! I think I melted a little.
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hey there beloved readers!
let me know what you think of this one! I love this story so far! :)