Status: paused.

I fell off track, I went to Love and Back.

I fell in love again.

“Come on S, it won’t hurt let’s have fun!” a boy exclaimed.

“No, please don’t!” I shouted. As the boy take off my clothes

“Ahhhhh I shouted and wow it’s just a dream.

-John’s POV-

“Sam! You’re dreaming, are you alright?” I exclaimed “What are you doing here? How did you---“She shrieked.

“Your brother let me in and I’m just waiting here for you to wake up? I interrupted “Maybe we can go to the other park for you to take some pictures.” I added

“Oh uh I’ll just hit the shower and please get out I need some privacy.” She requested.

I went outside her room waited for a half of hour. As she went down to stairs she talked to Ken that I’m taking her to the other park.

We went to my car and awkward silence goes “So, what are you dreaming of?” I broke the silence. “Nothing, never mind that” She replied. We drove off to the other park she get her camera and take some beauty of nature.

“How do you take pictures in this?” as I take another camera to her bag “Is it like this?” I added. “No, it’s like this…” She explained while she wraps my arms to her arms how to handle the DSLR. She smells beautiful and I’m starting to like love her.
“Is this how?” I questioned. “Perfect” she smiled” You can that I have lots of cameras” she added.

We went back car and went to a diner to have lunch.

“Tell me about you” I asked “Me? A photographer, model...” she answered “No, no I want something juicy, like first kiss something” I grinned “Oh! First kiss, my 7th grade crush, First boyfriend, my ex last 2 months first sex, not yet” she answered “A beautiful like you never been---“ I exclaimed “Of course not yet I want to have that to the right guy” she interrupted “what’s your ex looks like?” I changed the topic “He’s in a band, lead singer like you” she said sadly “Oh!” I replied.

We finished our food and we drove home.

“I have fun today” she said happily goodness she had the most amazing smile. “Me even” I answered then she turned back towards me and our lips met together, I can feel her soft lips.
”Thank you, for this day” she said and entered her house.

I’m falling in love with her with no doubts.
♠ ♠ ♠