Status: paused.

I fell off track, I went to Love and Back.

I’m all yours somehow

-John’s POV-

It’s the last day of our tour and we will go back now to Arizona. I want Sam to date her and let her forget the past.
“Hey Sam, so we’re like going home now” she smiled “I’m thinking if we could go on a date?” I asked nervously “I love that! Surprise me!” she said happily and kissed my cheek..

There’s like an hour ‘til we’re home.

“You ask Sam on a date?” Ken asked as he sat beside Sam “Yes” I said proudly. “You guys going to be a great couple” Garret, Pat and Jared said “Of course we’ll be” I boast as I winked at Sam.


-Sam’s POV-

I and John will be having a date tonight. I wonder where he’ll take me I just told him to surprise me. I looked to the clock and it is 1:00 in the afternoon. I hit the shower and wear some comfy dress. I went downstairs and saw Kenned watching TV as I sat beside him.

“You’ll be having a date tonight with John?” he questioned me as he raised his eyebrows “Yes and it is a surprise” I answered “So uh why do you want me and John to be together?” I asked nervously “Because I trust him and we know he’ll stop doing some things if you’ll be together” He shrugged
“What thing? What are these some things?”
“You know have fun in bed with some random girls and we want him to fall in love again.”
Wait what? Again?
“Again?” I asked nervously
“Yea his first girlfriend, Daisy after they broke up he started sleeping with some girls he doesn't even know” He answered honestly.

I don’t even know what to say or what will I feel, a thing came into my mind that I’ll be like a replacement or for him to be just happy. I love him and I know he does too and the guys want us to be together and I don’t know why this thing came o my mind. I looked to my mobile and saw John’s message:

“I’ll pick you at 6, love you” –John

Wow even though we’re not I a relationship he already said that 2 words, ‘love you’.

I went upstairs then changed clothes, and then I heard Ken that John’s there.

“You dress beautiful” John compliments. We go inside the car and have a little conversation

“So where will you take me? To your bed?” I laughed “You’re fast, babe” he laughed back “I’ll take you somewhere you’ll love” he added.

After 30 minutes…

“We’re here!” he said.

I went off the car and saw the beautiful stars, “let’s go up here” John asked for my hand and sat together at the back of his car.
He put his left hand on my shoulders as I rest my head to him. “It’s beautiful” I exclaimed then I look to his green eyes “More like you” he exclaimed as our lips met together then he get something in his pocket

“This bracelet” he said as he put the bracelet in my hand “Sam, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. My heart beats fast I can see his happiness as he saw my reaction to his offer. “Yes, I love to!” I exclaimed.
He kissed me in the lips and I kissed him back.

I’d never felt this feeling before… to be love and back
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