Status: paused.

I fell off track, I went to Love and Back.

The alcohol made way its down

-Sam’s POV-

“Are you coming to the party tonight?” John asked me “No, I got lots of stuff to do for work” I replied.

It’s been a month that I and John are in a relationship. We date always, hang out, kiss together and make the both of us better.


I woke up as I heard some buzz on the door. I opened the door and saw no one but when I looked down I saw an envelope. Shit, I can’t believe it! I saw pictures that are killing me and
a letter…

“Good thing you’re no with your boyfriend, he’s still good in bed with me”


I don’t know how I will react. How can he possibly do that to me? These pictures are giving me regrets of loving him.

I packed my things and decided to go back in LA. I also left Kenny a note…

“Don’t worry Ken, I’ll be alright I just need some time to think. I don’t know if it’s going to be months or a year, I’ll be in LA”

I heard the Taxi honked then I opened the door as I saw John walking towards me.

“Hey? Where will you go?” He said worriedly. I showed him the pictures and he seems so embarrassed and angry.

“I can explain, I-“he said
“No John, there’s no need to explain. I thought you’re my right guy, I guess I’m wrong. We’re a big mistake” I sobbed as I go to the taxi but before that he gave me a notebook.


I made it to LA, I went to m apartment and start to unpacked my things and saw a notebook that John gave me. I opened it and saw a page with a title, lyrics I meant for Sam. These are one the songs that he’s writing for their new album, I guess.

Photograph, remembering the summer – Growing Up

Don’t stop now and Listen to your heart’s lyrics is all underlined.

Lovers lost in space- Saving Grace

I feel guilty that I didn’t get him a chance to explain. I called him and an unfamiliar voice answered it.

“Hello?” I speak
“I’m sorry honey, John is asleep but I can leave you a message!” A girl voice replied
“Don’t mind just don’t tell I’d call” I hung up the phone.

I lie down and stare at the black ceiling and regretting I fell in love with John.

After an hour I heard my phone is ringing.

“Hello?” I didn’t look at the caller ID
“Sam! What are you thinking! Everyone is freaking out!” Ken’s voice
“Uh I don’t know? I just need some time and don’t worry I’ll be alright” I hung up the phone.

Some things aren’t meant to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys for reading my fanfic btw :D

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