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So Far Away


When she got home, Darla was afraid to go into the room that all of Jake’s stuff had been stored. She was almost positive that his sticks were in there, but she didn’t remember seeing them when she moved his stuff out of his old house. All she had was his furniture, clothes, and the Christmas presents that she had never opened. One Darla opened the door she was overwhelmed by a chill from the room. She rubbed her arms in an attempt to warm herself up, as she ventured further into the room.

Carefully she picked through the boxes in search of her brother’s lucky drumsticks, but she couldn’t find them anywhere. Darla looked everywhere for the wooden drumsticks. They weren’t in the boxes or in the drawers. Tears began to fall from Darla’s eyes when she realized that the drumsticks weren’t there. Darla was upset that she had somehow lost the drumsticks that Jake had owned since he was four years old. That night Darla stayed in that room searching again and again for the drumsticks.

Morning came quickly, and Darla still could not find the drumsticks. She dressed in a pair of grey skinny jeans, light green tank top, and a pair of high tops. In a couple of hours Darla would have to go to band practice. She sighed and grabbed her wallet, to buy a pair of sticks from the music shop that was around the corner. Darla settled on a pair of plum colored sticks after looking around for awhile. She hurried to the studio where her brother’s band was practicing. Frank waved her into the studio and grabbed his Fender American Standard bass guitar.

“Guys, you all remember little Darla over here.” he motioned towards Darla, who stood awkwardly next to him.

“Darla, you remember Johnny and Carl.” Frank pointed to the two men that stood behind him.

Carl was a bit on the chubby side, but he was also very tall and made up for it with his green eyes and curly hair. He was dressed in a pair of basketball shorts, blank T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. In his hands he held an Ibanez RG3250MZ Prestige Electric Guitar.

By habit Darla twirled the drumsticks around her fingers.

“Haven’t seen you in a while.” Carl gave Darla a small hug.

Once they had pulled apart Johnny smirked down at her, “How ya doin’ short stack?”

Darla cracked a smile at the man in front of her. Johnny had always been known as a practical joker, except sometimes his jokes went a little too far but he always managed to cheer someone up even if he did get in trouble for it. Johnny was a couple inches taller than Frank. He had normal length black hair with white streaks in it, almost making him look like a skunk. His bright blue eyes were barely noticeable through his dark tinted aviators. The corner of his bottom lip had a sliver ring through it. Johnny was wearing a pair of baggy jeans, loose fitting wife beater, and his favorite pair of skater shoes.

“Glad to have you back, short stack.” Johnny gave Darla one of his famous back-popping hugs, before pointing her towards her brother’s drum kit.

Darla took a deep breath before gathering all of her courage to take her seat behind Jake’s drum kit. It was still set up from when he had last used it, and faintly she could smell his cologne lingering across the kit. She was almost afraid to use his kit, in the fear of losing his scent. Darla glanced up at Frank, Johnny, and Carl. They all gave her a reassuring smile, almost to tell her that it would be okay. Johnny told her the name of the song they would be practicing and Darla started into it. At first she messed up a bit, but after a while she started to get the hang of it.
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