Status: iPod Shuffle Songfic Contest

Jar of Hearts

Only chapter

''No I can't take one more step towards you
‘Cause all that's waiting is regret
and don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore,
You lost the love I loved the most.''

Valeria placed her hands over her eyes wishing all the painful memories that filled her head to disappear. She remembered what HE did to her. She used to be a happy girl, no problems in her life, just the usual ones such as school homework, her appearance, everything a girl with 16 years would do. As she looked up, her beautiful green eyes filled with tears, her blurry vision was only able to make out a tall skinny figure standing in front of her.

''I hear you’re asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms''

With her left hand, she was able to whip away all the tears that her eyes had let fall. Her blue sweater sleeves had little black stains. When she still felt the presence of a person, she looked up, only to find a tall boy, his black hair felled to his face leaving only one of his big blue eyes sticking out. His perfect framed face and his heart shaped lips that formed a line.

''And who do you think you are
running around leaving scars
collecting your jar of hearts
and tearing love apart.''

He bought his knees to the floor, looking over, her tiny figure was in sitting down, legs crossed and her eyes that used to be big were now small and inflamed. Her beautiful golden hair now was messed up, but even that way she looked stunning. Her porcelain skin was now even paler than before, making her look almost sick, but she still looked amazing.

His hand approached her face as his fingertips felt her cheek. Her eyes fallowed every move he made. His face approached hers, his hands found hers and his eyes were scanning her naturally red lips. Just one more inch and his lips will touch hers.

''It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I would have missed the first time that we kissed
Cause you broke all your promises''

Suddenly she placed her small hands in his chest, and with all the strength she could, she pushed him back. She knew she did the right thing. She didn’t deserve, no one did. Every person is supposed to be happy in their own way. She looked over to the boy , he had a shocked expression on his face.

Swiftly, she got up and began walking down the park; she stopped to take a look at the boy that had steeled her heart. He was still on the floor; the only difference is that he was now the one in tears, he was almost laying down as if he suffered. His eyes were closed and he did not look so confident as before.

''And now your back
You don't get to get me back.''

And it was then, when her jar filled up with her heart and she smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
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