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Meeting the Prince of Darkness

Lestat then leaned in and sank his fangs into his neck. Yugi winced but didn't pull away.

Lestat drank a few mouthfuls of blood. Then when he pulled his fangs out, he said,

"Close your eyes."

Yugi did just that. Lestat laid him on the pillow, then crept to the window. He turned to Yugi and whispered,

"I will see you later."

He lingered long enough to blow him a swift kiss, then flew out into the night.

Drinking from Yugi had been more sweet than he thought it would be. He was intrigued by the young boy.

He then made a promise – soon he would have Yugi as his little brother. He just had to wait for the right time…

Disclaimer: The geniuses at Warner Bros own the film Queen of the Damned. Genius Kazuki Takahashi owns Yu-Gi-Oh. I own the oneshots, songfics, stories and poems.
  1. A Frightening Nighttime Encounter
    One minute, Yugi is asleep. The next, he meets none other than... the Brat Prince himself.
  2. At the Park
    Lestat reveals his true nature...