A Perfect Moment

A Perfect Moment

Embry Call was a freaking werewolf! I’m not scared of him. No. I’m freaking pissed at him! He didn’t tell me! He was the one who approached me! He was the one who talked to me first! He was the one who started our friendship for crying out loud!

Whenever I was having a bad day and didn’t want to talk about it, he was always the one who said, “Friends don’t hide things from one another.” Well, what should I make of this! He didn’t freaking tell me! I had to find out about him when he accidentally got too angry at a comment Paul made. One thing lead to another and both he and Paul changed and started fighting. Jacob pushed me out of the way and told me to leave. I’m angry at him too. First, he was in on this whole werewolf thing. I’m not as angry at him about that. He wasn’t as close to me as Embry was. Second, he pushed me! It wasn’t just a light one either. He literally shoved me. I mean, come on! What kind of guy pushes a girl? I seriously had to fight to keep my balance. Totally not cool.

Embry was my best friend. That’s right, I’m using past tense. Was. Not anymore though. If it was just a small secret, I could understand. Like maybe he actually liked Britney Spears (EW!) or something on that level. Not that he could change into a giant, over-sized wolf!!

“I just don’t get it Kim. Why didn’t he tell me?” I asked in an almost broken voice.

“Well honey, maybe he thought it was safer for you if you didn’t know,” she suggested, though we both knew that wasn’t true.

“That’s a load of bull and you know it! Maybe he just didn’t trust me enough.” I saw Kim about to protest so I continued quickly. “I mean Jared told you. And look at the two of you now. You’re completely in love!”

Kim was quiet for a moment. “Is that how you picture everything happening if Embry had decided to tell you?”

“What!? No! I just-”

“Oh come on Ena! I knew about all this and yet here you are talking to me about it. Telling me how angry you are at Embry for not telling you. I knew and I didn’t tell you. So think, Ena, and I mean really think. Why is it that you’re so angry at Embry. What’s the real reason for you anger?”

I just sat there. I knew she was right. She did know, and I do feel a little angry at her, but my anger towards Embry is magnified. The truth is, I didn’t know why I was as angry at him as I was. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know Kim. I- I just am. I can’t explain it.”

She sighed. “This is going to sound mean, but don’t take it the wrong way. I want you to think about it. Think long and hard. When you figure out the answer, then and only then, come and find me. Do you understand?”

“So you don’t want to talk to me until I know why I’m so angry?” I asked in a mock serious voice.

“Ena,” she warned sternly.

“Okay. I’m going.” I stood up and left.

It’s been three days. Three days and still I have no idea why I’m so angry. I’ve tried considering all possible reasons. No matter what I thought of, I always kept coming back to the fact that he was my best guy friend. I’ve known him a lot longer then any of the other guys who can change. But I’ve been best friends with Kim longer than I have Embry. That means I should be angrier at Kim, but I’m not. It’s seriously frustrating me. I can’t freaking figure it out!

When I can’t figure something out I come to this place I found one day when I was having one of my “not so good days” with my family. It’s an overhang with a fantastic view of the beach. It is an awesome place to be watching any sunsets or sunrises. Anyway, so hear I am sitting in my ‘special’ place trying, and failing, yet again to figure out why I am so angry at Embry.

I gave up after an hour. Instead, I started thinking about all the times when all of the ‘guys’ and I would hang out at the beach. More then once Paul and Jared would throw Kim and me into the freezing cold water. Embry would always come and ask me if I was okay. After he was done laughing that is.

Then there were the video game wars. Those were awesome! No one could beat me at guitar hero. Well, I’ve always had a feeling Embry was letting me win. But until he admits to it, I’m going to live it up as Queen of the game.

Memory after memory kept coming back. All of my most treasured memories, I realized, contained Embry. I couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped me anymore than I could the feeling of emptiness. I really missed him. He was, no he still is, my best guy friend.

“Embry!” I heard a distant voice call out. I looked down and I saw the schools most, to put it nicely, promiscuous girl chasing after Embry. Embry turned around. I was expecting him to show some type of disgust but he didn’t’ show much of anything.

‘What is she doing? Hey! Keep your hands off of him! Embry say something! Seriously if that evil, manipulative hussy doesn’t keep her hand off MY Embry I swear I- Wait. My Embry. He’s not… Do I…. No, I don’t…. I can’t….. Crap.’ I didn’t even bother to watch the rest of the ‘show.’ I stood up and ran off to find Kim. I finally knew why I was so angry at him.

“Kim!” I called as I walked into her house. I heard a shuffle from upstairs.

“Just a minute!” Kim responded back. She sounded a little out of breath. True to her word, a minute later she and Jared came downstairs. Well that explains it.

“Seriously Kim?”

“Oh shut up! What are you doing here so soon? I thought I said-”

“I know what you said Kim. I was there remember? I figured it out. Hey Jared.” I waved at him.

“So you finally came around huh?” Jared asked.

“You knew I would in time.” I said quietly.

“Normally yes, but this time you had really looked like you couldn’t,” he said kindly with a half smile. “So does this mean you forgive Embry then?”

“Maybe. I’ll be the one to tell him if I do though. So no creepy wolf telepathy thing,” I said, pointing an accusing finger at him.

“My lips are sealed. Ah, well, my mind is sealed at any rate,” he promised as he pantomimed zipping his lips and locking them.

“Good. Now get out so I can talk to Kim alone.” He gave a mock salute, turned and kissed Kim, then promptly left through the front door. I waited a good five minutes before I addressed Kim. Or at least tried to. In the end I probably just ended up looking like a fish. Opening and closing my mouth.

“This isn’t working. Okay, I’m just going to come right out and say it. I might kind of, sort of, like Embry just a little bit.”

“Kind of, sort of, just a little bit huh?” Kim asked with a raised eyebrow. I only nodded. She sighed. “Well at least you realized you like him. Even if you only think it’s a little bit.”

“Well, maybe more than a little.” Kim gave me that look. “Okay fine. A lot.” Kim nodded her head. A smug look crossed her face. “I don’t see how my figuring it out will help though. I may like him but that doesn’t mean he likes me. If anything, it will only suffice in hurting me.”

An incredulous look crossed her face. “Are you kidding me? Of course he likes you! Heck, he probably loves you!”

It was my turn to give her that look. “There is no way for you to know that Kim. IF he loves me, it’s as a friend or-”

Kim cut me off. “Why would he only love you as a friend? You’re his imprint-” She stopped herself, looking like she just got caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

“His what?” I questioned.

She shook her head. “N-nothing! Just for get I said anything!”

“Uh-uh. What were you going to say?” She just continued to shake her head. “Come on Kim! His what?”

“No. I’m sorry but if you want to know what you are to him then go and ask him. This is something he has to tell you.”

I sighed. Ugh. Now I really want to know. I weighed out my options. Go and ask Embry, or just forget about it. I grimaced at the thought of the last one. I sighed once again. “Fine. I’ll go and ask him.” Kim seemed satisfied by my response.

“If you see Jared, send him back here would you?” she asked. I nodded as I headed out.

My feet moved on their own heading towards the beach. I was currently wondering how to best bring up the subject.

“Not now Chloe,” I heard Embry say. He sounded both annoyed and, somehow, defeated.

“Come on Embry! It’ll be fun!” Chloe practically begged. By that time I was standing by a tree about 15 feet away from them.

“No,” Embry stated. The look that crossed Chloe’s face was one of pure anger and shock. Before Embry could do anything she had practically launched herself at him, forcing her lips on his.

I just stood there, feeling the pure, unadulterated, anger rolling through me like waves in an ocean. For the slightest fraction of a second I wondered how she was even able to reach his lips. She was, after all, shorter than me by about five inches, and my head barely made it to his shoulders.

I was snapped out of my trance by Embry taking her shoulders and pulling her away from himself.

“What were you thinking?! What the heck did you do that for?!” he all but yelled at her.

“Me?! What were you thinking?! No one turns me down, and I mean no one! Now, I’m going to give you one more chance to change your mind and we’ll just forget that ever happened to begin with.”

“Chloe. Go away. I am NOT in the mood to deal with you. I do NOT like you. I NEVER will. Why don’t you just go and find some other guy who actually likes girls who are easy and we’ll just forget this ever happened to begin with.” He used her own line against her. I wouldn’t deny the feeling of satisfaction that went through me at the look that came across her face.

“You’ll regret this Embry Call. I swear you will!” She turned and stormed off in the opposite direction.

“Not likely,” he called after her. He stared after her for a minute before turning to go the other way.

“So,” Embry’s head whipped to look at me, his eyes wide. “How are you supposed to forget about that exactly?” I asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

“Ena! What… When… How,” he couldn’t seem to form any question, so instead he settled with, “I’m so sorry!” I didn’t quite know if he was talking about the Chloe thing or the wolf thing, but either way, I didn’t really care.

I sighed as I walked towards him, stopping about four feet from him. “We’ll get to that later, right now I have a question that I need to ask before I forget.” He nodded his head, looking slightly relieved for the moment. That didn’t last long. “What is imprinting?” He tensed.

“Why do you want to know?” he questioned cautiously.

I shrugged. “I overheard Kim and Jared talking about it,” I said, feigning disinterest. He relaxed a little.

“Oh. Um, well imprinting is almost like love at first sight for werewolves. Only, it’s much stronger. Like soul mates,” he explained a little awkwardly.

‘So, Embry imprinted on me? I’m his soul mate?’ “So, what you’re saying is those two people are perfect for each other?” I asked, putting it in lame mans terms. He nodded. “I see.” I paused for a moment. “Alright then, now that that’s out of the way, on to the other issue. I know I might have over reacted just the tiniest bit- don’t even think about interrupting me,” I shot him a glare, “Fine. I over reacted more than I should have. But, honestly, it bothers me when you don’t tell me things. It bothers me more than it should. I’m still angry at you Embry, but I’m willing to move past this. And I’m sorry too. I should have been acting the way I have. If you can forgive me then let’s make a promise.” I looked at him waiting for an answer.

“Anything,” he breathed.

“Let’s not hide anything from one another. No more secrets.” He took a second to think about it then nodded.

“I imprinted on you,” he blurted out. I stood there shocked for a few seconds. I didn’t think he would say it right away. I couldn’t help the soft smile that found its way onto my face.

“I know,” I said as I walked up to him and hugged him. His arms wrapped around me without hesitation. “I kinda lied when I said I over heard Kim and Jared. I was talking to her and she let it slip. But she wouldn’t tell me what it was. She said I had to ask you cause it was something you would have to tell me,” I said sheepishly, peaking up at him.

He looked down at me and smiled. “Well, seeing as it turned out alright, I guess I’ll forgive her this once.” My smile grew. He started leaning down. I could feel my heart beat starting to get faster. My breathing hitched a little. Right before our lips met Embry whispered, “I love you.” The kiss last long enough to leave me breathless. I honestly thought nothing could top that one.

“I know I’m starting to love you too.” He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me again. I was never happier in me life to have thought wrong. The second kiss was ten times better than the first. It left me even more out of breath than the first on did and it had me wanting more.

At that moment, everything was perfect. His arms around me, and mine around him. Our foreheads together and our breaths mingling in the small space between us. The sun was setting so the sky over head held beautiful colors. Yes, this was truly a perfect moment.
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This is my second one-shot. Please leave a comment. I would really like to know what you think. :)