The Interrogation

The Potion

Peter paused for a moment, trying to contemplate on how he was going to ask this question. In the end, he simply asked, "What is the story?"

Rosalyn took a deep breath, preparing herself for the answer. "The year was 1941--"

"But that's about 70 years ago. You look 13 maybe," he said, giving her a funny look.

Rosalyn rolled her eyes. "One, it was 68 years ago. Two, I'm 15. And three, it's rude to interrupt."

"Fine fine. Continue on," said Peter as he grabbed a seat from in the darkness and sat backwards on it, his hands resting on the top of the chair, with his head resting on them.

"Anyway, like I was saying. It was 1941 and I had just turned 15 for the first time. I was in my house and watching Tom and Jerry, which was only new at the time. The small screen was a bit fuzzy and I was running out of patience for it. I remember walking up to it and trying to mess with the dials. That was when my mother came in and told me that someone was waiting for me outside. My curiosity rose as I wondered who in the world would be coming to see me out of all people."

"When I stepped outside, I saw an entire party of people who yelled surprise all at once. Some of the people I knew, and some just came along with other people. That's when I meet Gregory Jameson. He was tall, wore the nicest of clothing--unlike today's generation with boys wearing such trousers that fall down to their knees," she said with a hint of distaste. "But no, he was something else. Not only his looks though, but the way he spoke. It was enchanting. He was modest, clever, and oh so funny."

"He and I dated for quite some time. He would always come and steal me away from my house. We went to average places you'd expect most couples to go during that time for some time. And then he discovered this forest. It seemed to go on for miles and miles. We started going there instead on every one of our dates. It was during one of these dates when things went wrong."

"'Come on!' he said as he took my hand and we started running deeper into the woods."

"I laughed, trying to keep up with him each time. "Slow down Greg! What's the rush?!" I had asked him. Little do I know what he had in store for us. We had stopped at this gorgeous lake. The water sparkled under the sun and a waterfall fell straight into it, making a rather peaceful sound. I was shocked by the beauty of it all and it took me a moment to regain my composure. "It's... It's beautiful," I had said."

"He smiled and nodded his head. "Only the best for you." He then took my hand and lead me over to a spot on the grass where we sat. We talked on for a little longer until it started to go dark out."

"I was the first to get up. "We have to go. My mom's going to murder me if I'm not back there soon," I had said."

"But he shook his head, and patted the seat beside him. "Stay. We can see the stars together. If your mom asks, you can blame me.""

"I shook my head and gave him a bemused look. "I'm not going to tell her it was you who wouldn't allow it! She'd never allow me to see you again," I said with a shake of my head.

"He just laughed. "And that would stop me?" And so we stayed and saw the stars together. He pointed out certain ones every now and then. I think now that he was just trying to make me stay longer."

"That was when we meet the witch. She came to us from behind and caused us to jump. She looked like a normal person. She had a peculiarly long nose though and her eyes were different colors. She had apologized for scaring us and told us how much she loved happy couples. She took us to her home, which was like a small little cottage. I always imagined living in one with Gregory when we grew up and this one was perfect. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. I think that's why I trusted her."

"We had a cup of tea at her house. It tasted better than any I had ever had. She had told us her recipe and offered us some herbs. When we refused, she said she wished she could do something for us. That's when she offered us a potion, claiming that it would make us live forever. She claimed that she had found it in the fountain of youth a long time ago and that was how she was surviving as well."

"I wanted to refuse but the temptation of the potion was too strong. Although, as modest as Gregory was, he tried to give it back to her. But she refused to take it back, and I think she also noticed the greed in my eyes when Gregory offered to give it back."

"We left after that, arguing about the potion, on whether or not we should use it. I insisted that it was a nice gesture and a very rare potion that should be used. Gregory kept claiming that it was dangerous and stupid. I realize now that I should have listened," she paused for a moment, staring off and laughing bitterly to herself before shaking her head.

"So what happened next?" Peter asked.