The Interrogation

Worst Regret

"The potion was tricky. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. The taste of that thing," she said, making an unhappy face before spitting. "Ugh! The most disgusting thing I had ever tasted in my life. I thought, oh well things can't always be perfect, considering what it does, but no. It was all terrible. If I learned anything from any of this, its to not put strange liquids that taste and smell so horrifying that I can't even describe it into my mouth," Rosalyn told Peter.

"It was bubbling and an orange color. I smelt it a little, moving it away from me at once. I took a deep breath, determined to prove Gregory wrong. And that was when I held my nose and brought the potion up to my lips, drinking it down in a gulp."

"I dropped the flask, and it shattered on the ground. I fell to my knees, coughing widely and holding my neck. As soon as it was done, I wanted it out. I tried sticking my finger down my throat to make me puke, but it never happened. I soon grew desperate. Something in my mind told me that I had to get it out. My body wanted it out. It felt like something was inside my stomach and fighting against everything in there and it was winning. I thought I was going to die. I thought that the witch had tricked me and it was poison," she sighed. "How much I wish it were to actually be poison now."

With a shake of her head, she continued. "After a few hours, I passed out. I awoke hours later to my mothers voice. She was calling me down to dinner, except something was strange about her voice. It seemed to have so many extra pitches with it. It was like I was hearing an echo simultaneously with her speech. I sat up and told her I was coming. And yet, something was strange about the way I spoke as well. The same type of echo was there. I was wondering what was going on, but didn't have as much time to ponder it as I would have liked. I started walking but even my steps sounded strange. I quickly became observant to every other sound around me. The wind that escaped into my bedroom, the ticking cloak, the water dripping from the faucet in the hallway bathroom, my mother placing bowls onto the table for dinner. Everything in the house became so clear to me. Deciding that I was spending too much time focusing on noises, I decided to run. Although I took one step and before I knew it, I was already downstairs, sitting down. It was the most peculiar thing I had ever experienced. That was what I thought it was like to be immortal. I thought that the pain I had experienced before was simply just during that time and that it was all over now. I thought it really worked. That I was truly an immortal creature of the Earth."

"My mom set a piece of turkey with mashed potatoes onto my plate. The mashed potatoes smelled revolting and usually I loved potatoes! I turned to the turkey but even that tasted horrifying. It was all revolting. I forced it down my throat though, not wanting to worry my mother. However, when I was finished, I puked it all out. That lasted a week before I looked drained and became starved. And then I did the thing I regret the most even to this day."

"I was entirely drained. I looked terribly ill and my mother was in my room, telling me to rest. She told me that the doctor would be here any moment. In the meanwhile, she put a wet cloth on my head, laboring over to keep me healthy. I drifted in and out of sleep until... Well I lost all control. I wasn't even me. Or I'd like to believe I wasn't. One moment I was laying in bed, with my mother hovering over me, trying to help, and the next, I was on top of her, eating the skin off her body. Her head was chopped off and blood was draining out of it quickly. Yet, I paid no attention to that. Instead I peeled her face off and ate it before chewing on her arms... I'll save you the gory detail. By the time the doctor had came in, my mouth was covered with blood and my mother laid dead on the floor with no skin left on her body."

"I backed away, looking down at my bloody hands and then at the doctor, seeing the fear in his eyes. I turned to the side, noticing my reflection. My eyes were bloodshot, but I looked completely healthy. In fact, I looked better than I had ever had. My hair was perfect and shining. My skin was practically glistening. The only thing wrong was my bloody cloths, face, and hands. I backed away from the mirror and the doctor, running towards the window and jumping out, running straight into the dark unknown night."

"Where did you go?" Peter asked hesitantly.