The Interrogation

William Anderson

"I went where ever I wanted," answered Rosalyn. "I went to the other side of the United States before catching a boat to Europe. I spent a good amount of years there before growing bored of it and coming back here. I already been through my exciting point of my life. I was growing old mentally. Learning far more with every misadventure. But my mind was still fresh and my body still young. But part of my brain was still the old me. It was the part that told me who I could love. I saw the younger men, men who looked my age, but found that I didn't fancy them at all," she admitted.

"The young men were so naive and vulnerable and, well stupid. But the older ones. They had the years of experience I had. They knew what it was like. All of it. So instantly, I grew attracted to them. That was when I meet Mr. William Anderson. The man you murdered," she said, giving him a dark look.

"He found me strange. He treated me with much kindness and love. Oh, he was wonderful! And easy on the eyes. He had a certain wit to him that I loved. I would come up with one conclusion and he would always prove me wrong. I think it's fair to say the conversations were far beyond any I've had with anyone else. And trust me, I've talked to many many people."

"After spending a few years with him, we fell in love. He was younger than I should have been if I drank the potion but it was alright, considering how I looked. At the time, he was in his late 30s actually. He noticed as time passed on how I never changed. That's when I told him what I was. He was surprised at first, and even slightly scared, but he came around to it. He even helped me gain my meals. He was so good to me," she said with a smile.

"He grew older and I still remained my young beautiful self. People started to look down at us, but William never cared. He loved me too much to pay attention to the words of the average commoners. Although, I wish I could make it all stop. I went back to my home town, in search of the witch. And indeed, I found her in the same spot as before, looking the very same."

"When she saw me though, she shut the door at once. I broke down the door and grabbed her by her silky black dress. "Remove this curse!" I yelled violently."

"I-I can't! What's done is done! There is no way to break it!" she said weakly."

"There must be!" I yelled at her. "Think witch!" I spat. "Or I shall break you," I sneered."

"The witch whimpered as she thought. "D-did your lover take the drink as well?" she asked in a high pitched voice."

"I shook my head slowly, knowing she probably meant Gregory as my lover. "No," I said quietly."

"Then there is luck!" she said happily. I released my gasp of her and asked what she meant. "It's simple," she explained. "You must feed on your lovers body. Only then can you be restored.""

"And so you ate him," said Peter, who seemed fascinated by the impossible story.

Rosalyn nodded her head. "And so I ate him. I came in the middle of the night, to see him asleep with another girl in the bed. It hurt somewhere to know that he had moved on, but that only made me want to eat him more. When I got home however, I saw police surrounding the building and the body of William in the front door, lying dead," she said coldly.

"So did it work? What the witch said?" Peter asked, ignoring the part about the dead William.

"That's not apart of this question. It's your turn to answer mine. Why did you kill William Anderson?"