The Interrogation


Peter paused, pursing his lips together. "It's my job-" he started to say.

"Your job is being a murderer," she accused.

"Not so different from your living, now is it?" he snapped. "My job is to put criminal in their places. He killed many people and rumors said was sexually active with a young girl. He was a pedophile and a murderer in my book," he said bluntly, starting to stand up.

"He was a person! And a good person! Everything he had done was for me! He didn't deserve to die! It should have been me! It could've been me!" she shouted at him as he started walking away. "Where are you going?! We're not done with this game!" she yelled.

He merely shook his head and kept walking. "I am," he told her as he went out the door. In the back was a busy crowd of officers and investigators. Phones were ringing and papers were being shuffled everywhere. The entire placed looked like an organized mess.

"Dr. Baker," said a husky man in an officers uniform. Peter looked towards his direction, noting how his uniform was different from everyone else's, singling him to be in charge. "What did you find out?" he asked him.

Peter sighed, sitting down in the chair in front of the officers desk. "The girl is obviously mentally unstable. She has created a fantasy where she is an entirely different person who has been given immortality at a risky price. She believes her father is actually her lover who had murdered all these people for her feeding. I believe this has all came out of her being raped repetitively by him," he answered.

"And how does the victim play into this story? The teacher. Mr... Um," said the officer as he shuffled through the papers. "Mr. Gregory Jameson?" he asked.

"She believes that it was Mr. Jameson who broke her heart years ago when they were both young. I think that she had developed a crush on him during her school year but found out he was married so he went into his house while we were heading to Mr. William Anderson's house," he started to explain. "With the information the investigators had given me about the scene, and what she told me, I believe that she had been jealous of the wife, and wanted to hurt her like Mr. Jameson had hurt her, so she killed Mr. Jameson. Either that, or she thought that if she couldn't have him, then no one could. In conclusion, I believe that she will need help coming into the reality of her situation and I fear that she might be a bit cannibalistic," said Peter.

The officer nodded his head, in his attempt to understand. "Well thank you Dr. Baker. I knew we were right to hire you as our psychiatrist on this case," said the officer as he stood up and extended his hand to Peter.

Peter smiled and nodded his head, shaking the mans hand. "I must say, it was the most interesting case I've heard yet," he told him as he started walking to the door.

The officer nodded his head. "I know. I was listening through the camera. She almost had me believe that she was being honest," he said with a hoarse laugh.

Peter chuckled softly and shook his head, walking out the door. "Oh, what the mind can come up with."