Pieced Up In Sorrow; One Shots

This Is Eternal

The world flashed by me in a blur. I finally felt young and free in my beautiful '67 mustang. It was just 3 days after my 18th birthday and I was on my way to Huntington Beach, California, my two best friends, JJ and Izzy in the car with me. I was so excited to be out of the small confinement of my hometown in New York. I smiled as the wind blew through my long dark brown hair. I was taken aback as a dark shadow crossed in front of the car. I slammed on my brakes as a large dinosaur foot came crashing down on he hood of my car, sending us flying.I screamed as I regained my balance and began to run, overhead more dinosaurs were joining the others and chasing us petty little humans. I looked up in time too see a 30 foot foot coming down straight on top of me---

"Amelia, AMELIA" I heard name being called. I popped my head up as my best friend Izzy stuck her elbow in my ribs. "What is worng with you? You were almost screaming". I looked around to see my professor, Mr. Lewis, and all the other kids in my class looking at me. "Just a nightmare" I murmered standing up and carrying my books with me. "I don't feel good" Isaid as I walked past Mr. Lewis. He let me leave no problem.

"Dinosaurs?" JJ asked me as I slammed the door to my dorm. "Fucking Dinosaurs" I answered her question. "I don't know what's gotten into me. It's either stuff like that or dreams about HIM. I felt pathetic. I couldn't eat, study, or even SLEEP without him on the brain. So I was off at college, ACROSS THE COUNTRY, and he was finishing his last year of high scool. And I missed him so much. We had an amazing two years together. Him and I. I kept all the bittersweet memories locked in a box on the top shelf of my closet. It has only been a month but still I felt so alone witout him.

The first day he asked me on a date. It was my Junior year, his sopomore one obviously, and it was to the Winter Ball. I still had the dress I wore, as pathetic as it seems. I also had the many pictures we took, cards and notes he gave me, and corsages from both proms. I always thought I was the girl who didn't need any guy to feel complete. I was convinced I would stay single forever and take care of my brothers and sisters, adopt a few kids and save the world. Until I met him. He changed my life. And now I felt empty without him.

I would still save the world, but then it seemed better becasue I would have him by my side. He would hold me until the sun went down and the stars converged in the sky, twinkling to one another as if sending morse code to all of us on Earth.

When I graduated he met me at he end of the aisle and handed me a single white rose. He promised that if the Gods permitted it, we would be together forever. He told me I was his Cher and he was my Sonny. Making me smile with all of his ever cheesy lines.

I would laugh for hours on end with him by my side, handing me napkins as Dr. Pepper flew out of my nose. Our faces beat red from laughter, we would drive to the cliffs and look out over the ocean. It was a long way down but I always felt safe with him by side. The height never bothered me. His fingers would lace with mine and his lips would grace the top of my head as he pulled me close. I remember the first time he told me he loved me. He laid by me on my bed. My parents weren't home and we just had sex for the first time. He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear. I smiled as he leaned in closer and whispered it in my ear, Amelia Violet, I Love You... All the bittersweet memories drowned me as I sat on my bed. I needed to call him one last time.

"Hello?" he asked as he picked up his phone not recognizing the number.

"Garrett?" I asked, the sound of tears in my voice.

"Amelia? Is that you?" he asked his voice rising a little. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I miss you and I need you..." I began. "You said if the Gods permitted it we would be together forever. Why can't we be together now!?" I asked crying harder than ever.

"We will I promise. It's only a year. And you know you can call me whenever you need to, you know that" he said soothing me. My breathing was slowing down and I had stopped crying.

"You're right" I said. "I'm sorry. I have to go... Garrett?"

"Yes love?"

"You know I love you with all my heart right?'

"Yes, and I love you a million times more." He said in his deep husky voice. God I missed him so much. I wanted to hold him in my arms and run my fingers through his soft blonde hair. I pictured his mesmorizing blue eyes as if he was right in front of me.

"Good Bye" I whispered shutting my phone.

I sat alone in silence. JJ had already gone to class. I picked up my backpack and strode out to go to my car.

Garrett's Point Of View

Ring...Ring...Ring... I picked up my phone, the caller I.D. reading Ross, Daniel. Why were Amelia's parent calling me? I wondered.

"Hello?" I asked picking up the phone. I heard the sobs escaping Mrs. Ross' throat and knew somehting was wrong.


My stomach clenched as I asked whats wrong.

"It's...amelia...car...accident!" she said between sobs. My chest tightened at the word accident.

"Is she okay?!" I asked.

"No.." Mrs. Ross choked out. "She didn't make it.." I dropped the phone as if it was on fire. I couldn't believe it. The love of my life. Dead. My Amelia was...gone.

The memories flashed throgh my mind. Her in her red prom dress, the adorable grey sweat pants she would wear when she sat with me to watch war movies on Saturday night, and the way she looked the first time we made love. So pale beneath my hands. I would kiss her and reassure her that I would never let anyhting happen to her and that we would be together always.

I rushed out the door and got in my car. I drove to the cliffs where we spent many nights talking or making out. It was where most of our memories were made. She made me complete and I felt alone without her. I looked up at the sky as if asking the Gods what I should do, and I knew exactly what to do.

Sunday September 13th, Teenage Boy Throws Himself From Cliff is what the newspaper read.

Everyone in the town knew exactly why he did it. There was no question. They all thought Amelia and Garrett would be together forever. And now, the thought, they would be.

Amelia's Point Of View

I watched from up in Heaven as my mom told Garett the news. I knew the answer to the question we had been asking for years.Yes there was a God and Heaven. "Amelia.." I heard Garrett whisper and I knew he was waiting for me.

I walked to the white pearly gates and saw him standing there one hand in his pocket, his head cocked to the side, the sexy smirk on his face.

I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him in the lips, missing those strong lips. We were together.


The vision was a beautiful one. A boy and a girl holding hands walking into the light, a look of pure love on their face as they knew they would spend forever in each others arms....

the sky had come crashing down
like the news of an intimate suicide
We picked up the shards and formed them into shapes of stars
that looked like an antique wedding dress
echoes of the past broke the hearts of the unborn
as the ferris wheel silently slowed to a stop
A few insect skittered away in hopes of a better past time
I kissed you at the apex of the maelestrom
and asked if you would accompany me in a quick fall
but you made me realize that my ticket wasn't for two..
♠ ♠ ♠

The Song was

...But Home I Nowhere
by AFI