Pieced Up In Sorrow; One Shots

I will never let you fall

I awoke in the middle of the night to find my bed empty. I smiled to myself knowing what had just happened in it.

I had made love with the boy of my dreams for the first time. I flipped the switch to the lamp beside my bed and found an envelope on my pillow.

A little confused I picked up the letter and pulled out the crisp, white paper and opened it, revelaing the messy scrawl of Erik's handwriting.


I wanted to tell you how much I love you and that I do not regret
what we did tonight one bit. I have waited so long to be with you,
and I think all the waiting is what made it as sweet and passionate
as it was. Don't be alarmed that I left in the middle of the night, I
couldn't bear to see your face when you found out this news. I joined
the Military. Now please don't react just yet, listen and understand
where I am in this. I need to do somehting on my own and to help
our country. But please don't give up on me. I love you with all my
and I couldn't bear it if you left me. I'll see you tomorrow.
I love you.

I couldn't believe it. I let the letter fall to the floor and sweep under my bed. My eyes filled with tears as I realized what he was doing. Why couldn't he tell me to my face, why did he have to do it over a piece of paper? I was almost angry with him, but I didn't want to be. My tears blurred my vision as I lay down on my bed, collecting the sheets under my head as a pillow.

Why me?

Why this?

I pictured his beautiful face in my mind, the way he had first looked at me when I met him after I had tripped up the stairs, knocking all my books on his feet. My face blushed a deep crimson as he took my hand and helped me to my feet. He was my savior and I felt safe looking into his ice blue eyes, full of warmth. I cradled the locket in my hands that he had given me for our 2 year anniversary as I drifted of to sleep, the tears drenching my pillow.


I met him at the pier the next night as he had texted me to. I was antsy and I couldn't wait to hold him in my arms, or wrap my fingers in his long blonde hair. I didn't want to be angry with him, for I know our time was short and sweet. The moon glittered over the ocean casting small shadows along the length of the pier. I don't think I've ever seen the stars twinkle as bright as they had thta night.

He smiled his sweet smile at me as I encased myself in his strong arms. His lips pressed into my hair and I breathed in the scent of him, not wanting to forget it.

Curve For Men.

I would remember that smell for the rest of my life. It was the little green bottle that would haunt my mind for the next four years.

"When do you depart?" I asked him, my voice muffled intohis shoulder.

"Tomorrow..." he replied letting the horrible words be carried off my the ocean wind.

It wasn't enough time

I pulled back so I was looking at his face. I ran my fingers along his strong jaw and down his nose, memorizing his face by touch. Ipulled his face to my level and pressed my lips to his cheek. He sighed out as I let my lips trail over his nose, each of his eyes, then I kissed the little dimples in his cheeks as he smiled. In my eyes he was perfect and I wanted nothing less than him.

He captured the tear that had found it's way down my cheek.

"We will be together no matter what" he said taking my face in his hands. I wanted to believe him but I was scared. I didn't want to lose him.

"Will you wait for me?" he asked looking scared of my answer. "Of course" I replied instantly, in a whisper that was barely audible.

"Than marry me?" he asked getting down on one knee.

My breath cought in the back of my throat as he took a sparkling diamond from his back pocket.

"Yes" I said nodding my head, my smile broad but sad.

He slid the ring onto my finger and I looed at it. It wasn't too fancy but it was perfect. It was a diamond set on the center of two small sapphires, my favorite gem.

"I bought that when I signed up for the army" he said, sliding his arms around my waist. I looked up into his eyes and kissed him passionatley. He carried me to the back of his car (a '77 convertible Mustang) and laid me down in the backseat. The stars glittered over his head as he climbed on to of me, kissing my neck and shoulders.

I sighed with happiness as I was engaged to marry the boy of my dreams.

4 months later.

I sat crying in my bathroom, the pregnancy test in front of me living proof of what was about to happen.

I was pregnant.

About 4 monthst along I guessed, that was the last time I was with Erik. The days were hard enough to get through with him being deployed overseas to fight the war that haunted my life. I prayed everyday that God watched over him and kept him safe. It was about 2 months before we had heard from him. I wrapped the test in a paper bag and went to the one woman who could help me.

Erik's mother, Natalia.

I softly knocked on the door and peeked my head in as she hollered COME IN

"Oh Hi honey" she said giving me a hug.

"Im pregnant" I blurted out before I could stop myself. She was hyserical. With joy of course. And she promised to help me every step of the way.

Another Year Later

I sat at the dining room table with my 7 month old baby girl, Amelia, at Natalia's house.

Amelia was everything I could ask for. She had her daddy's blonde hair and blue eyes and my smile and nose. Erik was so happy when I told him about our baby. I sent him pictures and news of the whole prgnancy and he just repeatedly reassured me that he was okay. He would sing her lullabies and songs over the phone, the one she smiled and cooed at the most was this one...

I will never let you fall, I'll stand up for you forever. I'll be there for you though it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven. Seasons are changing, and waves are crashing, and
stars are falling all for us. Days grow longer and nights grow shorter. I can show you Ill be
the one. I will never let you fall. I ll stand uo with you forever, Ill be there for you through
it all, even if sainvg you sneds me to heaven cause you're mine, you're mine, mine, my true love,
my whole life please dont throw that away...

I heard a sharp tap at the door and looked at Natalia who was just as confused as I was. I laid Amelia in her crib and went to answer the door. As soon as I saw the military official and two police officers I knew what had happened.

"We're so sorry. Erik Peterson.."

Every other word they said had disappeared in a black hole. All noise was absent to me, I didn't her Natalia cry out as she fainted, or the baby hysterical in her crib, or the officer's asking me if I was okay. I only heard the last words Erik had said to me before he left. I'll come back, I promise...

The room began to spin and then everything went black.


I opened my eyes to see Natalia holding my hand whispering into my hair as she held me close. Her lavender perfume smothering me.

So it wasn't a nightmare, my Erik was dead.

I let the tears fall as I realized he never got to see his baby girl in person. I looked to my left hand where my engagement ring sat heavy, a reminder of the promise he had made me.

I cried.

Cried for everything. The husband I would never have, the father Amelia never met, and the son Natalia would never see again. He was my rock that kept me grounded and without him I felt like I would fly away.

I picked up my baby girl and saw him in her eyes. He was there, I could sense it and he was telling me not to worry, we would be together again, I just needed to be strong for our baby girl and carry on.

I felt stronger as I looked into her blue eyes. I would never let her see the hurt. She needed me to be tough and that's what Erik would have wanted. I pressed my lips against her soft face and kissed her, as her tiny hands wiped at the tears in my eyes.

"I Love You.." I heard him whisper from somewhere in the Heavans and I knew he would watch over me.

I love you too I whispered back as I held our perfect baby girl in my arms, the being we had created together.
♠ ♠ ♠

If you didn't know this song was Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus