‹ Prequel: He'll Never Know

Skateboards and Rockstars

"Oomph! Where's my godson?!"

I looked at the screne of my laptop flipping threw my email. I had put Lucian down a few hours ago. I was glad he wasn't an insomiac like me, life would be murder.

As I opened up an emailed intiled 'Dear D' I instantly knew who it was from. The email read.

"Dear D,
Hope all is well, Cali's great. I hung out wiht Scheckler today, damn that kid has some energy. I am currently enjoying retirement to the fullest. Although I wish you were sitting next ot me on this beach. I am watching the sunset as I write to you. It's gorgous. It got me thinkinh about the old days. And I know all that shit two years ago is jsut water under the bridge, and I thankyou for it. But I still think about what life would be like if you walked down the aisle to me instead of Luc. I know what today is, and I don't want you to be mad. A man is allowed to think isnt he? I am hoping baby Lucian is doing well, he's getting so big. Isn't weird that he looks a lot like Pete? Its like what my bio teacher told us in freshmen year about traits jumping genratioins. Lol. Well I know this is odd, but mind telling me why you named Lucian after his dad? I know reatrded. But hey its why you love me.
-Well I'm off to go ride the waves and piss off locals.

I smiled at the screen. I had kept in contact with Dom. After Luc's death he called me a lot to make sure I was alright. I would find chinnese food deleivered to my house and payed for, along with other fast food items. I could never thakn him enough. All he wanted was my forgiveness. I gave it to him.

I sighed standing up and pouring myself a cup of joe. Dom was in Hawaii right now on 'retirement'. Hem ade all the money he could and jsut went to Hawaii with a sufrboard.He never got back together with anyone, I feel guilty about that. I can tell he's still hurt by the fact that I didn't marry him.

I sat back down in my chair. I looked at the screen and pondered his question before writting.

"Tenacious D,
All is swell on this half of the continent. Lucian is currently sleeping like the baby he is. I went to go visit him today, I took Lucian too. It was depressing but it needed to be done. I often think of my mother in times like these, how she had to raise me without Pete. Now I have to raise Lucian without Luc. It hurts a part of my heart I never knew was there. But to answer your questioin. The night before I went into labor, I had a dream. I was in my gran's back yard laying on the hammock like Luc and I used to do when we werre kids. My gran and Gramps were sititngo nthe patio with coffee. And I was in Luc's arms as twilight started to set in. I smiled up into his eyes, knowing I was in heaven. He spoke to me then, saying, "Delilah, I am so proud of you." "-I wish I oculd be there, I really do, but I can't, I jsut want you to know I'll always be with you threw him." I smiled and nodded my head at him. "But I wan to ask you something." He pondered looking at me. "What will you name the baby?" I smiled at this, a silly question in my opinion. "I was thinking Lucian Peter Cole, after you." He laughed. "What now Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the fourth?" He said giggling. "Nope, just a Lucian the second." He kissed my head then and I woke up. My water borke and I looked up at the ceiling with a giggle.
So that's why. Becuase that's what I dreamt about. Silly yes, but it was the last time I've ever seen him in my dreams. Hope all is well in terrizing the locals.

I stared at my screen as I hit enter. I smiled at the memory. There was a knock on my door. I stood up and weaved my way threw my house to the door. I opened the door, only to be tackled to the gorund in a hug.

"Oomph! Gah! I've missed you Delilah! No emails! No phone calls! You could've died!" Stenny screeched giggling like a mad woman.

"Nice to see you haven't matured in the past two years."

"Well darling, immaturitity is everything."

"Wow, well keep it down, Lucian's sleeping."

"Ohh! Right where's my godson?! Wake him up woman, I wanna see him! I brought presnets like the good aunt I am!"

I laughed at Stenny as she stood up and paraded her way to Lucian's room. I stood up and wlaked into the kitchen. Pouring Stenny a glass of coffee. She brought in Lucian. He had sleep in his eyes and was yawning. His black hair a mess.

"I brought you presents!" Stenny squeled putting him in a chair and runnign ot get her bags.

"Momma, is Auntie Stenny crwazy?" He asked.

I laughed,"No, just a three year old a heart."

He nodded his head, and put it down on the table falling asleep, I laughed as Stenny came in crestfallen.

"He's asleep?"

"Yup, he's a little trooper when it comes to sleep."

"But I wanted to shower him with gifts!" Stenny said jutting out her bottom lip.

"Well it can wait till tommorow, god, I can't beleive he's going to be two in just a few days."
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OH i am on a roooll. Shoutout to my boyfirend jason whose sick =[ ah well. I wrote this for all twelve of my readers. Feel special you get chocochip bagels.