‹ Prequel: He'll Never Know

Skateboards and Rockstars


"So who else knows?" Pete asked after sitting down and taking a few breaths.

"Stenny does, but other than that no one does."

"How'd you keep Stenny from telling?"

"I payed her off, and gave her backstage passes to the MCR goodbye tour."

"You gave up those tickets?! But you practically jumped every girl who got in your way to get those!"

"Yeah well, Dom means more to me."

"Woah, this is serious, he means more than MCR?"


Pete stood up from his spot and started to pace. He ran his hand threw his hair and started to mumble to himself. He stopped and looked at me.

"Well, I guess we better order chinnese."

"I just told you I'm getting married and all you have to say is 'We better order Chinnese?'" I said immitating his voice.

"Well we have a lot to talk about, and you better get that boy Don on a redeye out here."

I laughed. "His name is Dom, and he's already on his way, he's in on the Dew tour remember? He has a competition tommorow," I said looking up at my father. I was hoping he was getting the hint I was dropping. But then again, this is my father were talking about.

"Well tell me how you two met," He said sitting on the couch and motioning for me to join him.

"Well I ws actually interveiwing him for AP, we're doing a special on The Dew Cup and how its been around forever,-" I said pausing to look at Pete.

"Continue," He said.

"Well I inteveiwed him and we started talking, one thing turned into another and we ended up at the movies on our first official date," I said smiling at the memory.

"What would your mother say," Pete said sighing.

"She'd say, 'Hell Yeah' you grabbed a hot one."

"Oh ew."

"Grow up Pete, your turning forty, time to put on your big boy pants," I said slyly.

"Oh thats it," he said tickeling me.

I screamed and jumped up. Immediatly running for it. Memories filled my mind as I ran threw the familar kitchen area, empty cupcake boxes littered about the counters. I was so distracted in soaking the memories, I didn't see Hemmingway's chew toy. I tripped over it crashing to the ground. Which made Pete trip over me causing us both to end up on the ground in a fit of giggles.

"Just like old times Peter Pam-"

Before he could answer the door bell rang and I was on my feet.

"I'll get it"

I already knew who it was before I opened the door. A smile plastered on my face.
Dom stood holding a box of cupcakes (I told him they'd earn him brownie points) and he had on a clean black Element shirt and a pair of loose fitting jeans. His brown hair was a mess, but it looked like it took hours to acheive. He smiled at me.

"Does he know yet, or should I disaper for another hour?"

"Oh he knows, and he compared you to Bam Magera."

"Sweet!" He said with a smile.

"No, not sweet, he thinks your some crazed skateboarder who's on something."

"Was he not the rockstar?" He said chuckeling.

"That's what I said!"

"Is this him?" Pete asked from behind me.

I gulped and opened the door all the way revealing Dom.

"Pete, this is Dom, Dom, this is my dad, Pete."

"Nice to meet you, I brought cupcakes," Dom said smiling.

"Suckup," Pete tried to mutter underneath his breath.

"Pete!" I said turning on him.
