‹ Prequel: He'll Never Know

Skateboards and Rockstars

Zee Emo Kitty Returns

"Delilah!" Stenny schreeched jumping on me.

"How dare you get engaged! Now whose going ot come guy hinting with me-Oh wait nevermind I have Derek!"

I started to laugh at Stenny's enthusaim. I was back in New York, desperatley trying to keep my self together.. Stenny was crashing at my place while the other's had there own places amongst the city. We decided to have a girl's night. I was going over my grocery list ot make sure I didn't forget anything.

"Alright Stenny, Cookie Dough."

"Check," Stenny said looking threw the grocery bags.

"3 Tubs of ice cream- chocolate, strawberry, and oreo"

"Check, Check, and Check"



"Hey! No eating or drinking our food till we start!" I said looking up form my list to see Stenny chugging an energy drink.

"Sorry-" Before I could answer the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I said walkinhg to the door. I unlocked the many locks and opened the door. A boy stood there, his black hair a mess, black rings under his eyes, he was bone skinny, his shirt baggy on his small frame. His eyes were dull and looked as if they'd seen horrors beyond his years.

"Lucian?" I whispered, shock tosee the boy who stole my heart in such a disasterous shape.

"Dealilah-" Tears streamed down his ghostly face, his eyes pleading with mine. This was not the boy that loved me. This boy was broken, like I was.

"I screwed up Delilah, I, I need help, I didn't want to be like this, I heard you were out here, I, will you help me Delilah? Help me like I helped you?" Tears continued to role down his sullen cheeks. A pain came threw my heart sending shivers up and down my spine. I was looking at the boy, now man who helped me, pulled me back from the edge, and now he needed my help.

"Come on in" I brought him into the living room, Stenny looking at me like I just picked up a bum. I sat Lucian on the couch, draping a blanket over his shoulders. He reaked of alchohal, his shirt had holes, his shoes were missing. His hands shook, he looked genuinly scared.

"Is this who I think it is?" Stenny questioned coming into the living room.

"Stenny, this is Luc, Luc you remember Stenny" I said looking at him.

He merely nodded, his eyes shifting in different directions.

"Luc, where are you staying?"

"The streets"

"What happened to your mom?"

"She died"

"What have you been doing?"


I looked at him. All he did was give me two words to every questioned I asked. I was shocked to see someone who held so much light and love be so vacant and empty. I stood up walking into the guest bedroom. I rummaged my closet looking for something to let Luc wear. I enventually grabbed a black Ramones shirt and the smallest pair of jeans I could find. I grabbed a pair of Patrick's boxers and towels from the linen closet.

"Here Luc, I want you to take a shower and put these on, I'll make you something to eat"

He walked up to me taking the clothes, I directed him to the bathroom and started the shower.

"Thanks Delilah, I wouldn't bother you, but, I'm trying ot get clean, and ,and-"

"Don't worry about it Luc, I owe you a lot, and it's my pleasure to help you, your alway's welcome"

I walked back inot the living room smiing a Stenny,

"You little devil! You still love him!" Stenny said to me.

"Nah, haven't loved him in years," I sat down next to her on the couch, I popped in a movie and started to make a pizza.

"I think you do, you know what they say, you always love your first love"

"Stenny your being ridiculous"

"You love him, admit it"

I blushed. "I love him, but I love Dominick more"
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Is it good? Please comments! I am so uncertain about the story! I don't know if its liked!