‹ Prequel: He'll Never Know

Skateboards and Rockstars

Head Under Water

Ih ave one bit of advice to every love struct girl in the world. Never ever plan a wedding.

I have never been so stressed and stretched out in my life. With an wedding planner more excited about my wedding then I was, Pete chilling in NYC chasing after girls that are my age, and Lucian staying here, I was in over my head.

I was laying on Dom, his arms wrapped around my torso. He was done with the Dew Tour, he won, but was to exhausted to celebrate. His cologne filled my nose. It was perfect and undescribable. I sighed. Everything seemed perfect. I felt safe. But the perfect silence was broken. My eyes straining to open from their droopen state. I reached for my cell phone growling at the caller I.D.

"What you want Stenny?" I grumbled into my cell phone. I was cursing at Stenny on the inside.

"Dude, your house is destroyed."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Is this like the time you told me Pete jumped off a cliff?" I asked sitting up and breaking Dom's embrace.

"No, I'm serious, your house is a bloody mess and Lucians sitting on the floor so doped up he can' t talk, this is what happens when you let a druggie stay with you."

I had hung up the phone and started to grab for my stuff on Dom's floor. I grabbed my purse and my sweatshirt throwing it on over my tank top. I was digging out the keys to my apartment and trying to tie my shoes at the same time. I ended up crashing into Dom's dresser. He was already sitting up looking at me. His stare curious and amused.

"Where you going? I thought we were having a sleepover!" Dom said smiling.

" That was before Stenny called me telling me my aparmtent was destroyed."

"Sure she isn't lying like when sahe told you Pete jumped off a cliff?"

"I'm sure, I'll be back"

Dom was getting out of bed and putting on a pair of jeans. He walked over to me putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm coming with you, and no matter what you say I'll do the opposite"

I smiled, I really loved this guy, and even if I had to deal with a wacky wedding planner I was marrying him.

We walked, well more like I ran, to my apartment building. Taking the stairs by two's I got to my door and frantically unlocked it.

Stenny didn't lie when she siad it was destroyed. I felt tears leak form my eyes. Everything was destroyed. Furniture was busted. My T.V had a chair in it. My couch's insides where everywhere. I walked into my room. My photos were destroyed. Dom's face scribbled out in a lot of the picutes. My clothes were all over the floor. Dom put a hand on my shouilder.

I walked into the guest room, where Stenny sat staring at Lucian. He was in the cornor, his eyes half opened. Shaking and giggling at random times.

"I already called the cops, he's being put in a hospital rehab thingy" Stenny said.

"What the fuck!" I yeleld at Lucian, breaking from Dom.

"How could you do this Luc? I gave you a place to stay, food, clothes! Now you destroy my home! My sanctuary! You destroy almost all of Dom's and mine's photos! You destroy a very expenisive T.V-!" I took shaky breaths as tears streamed down my cheeks. My whole life was destroyed.

I had spent so long putting my apartment together. Hours in Ikea, fighting off old lady's for my bedspread.

"You can stay with me hun," Dom said putting his arms around my waist.

"I can't do this, I can;t rehab my whole apartment and plan a wedding!"

The cops came and took Luc away. Stenny and Luc helped me to clean up what we could of my apartment. I packed the clothes that I oculd find in one peice. My lucky converse were luckily secured on my feet. I had two suitcases of clothes and work stuff. I was thankful I had brought my laptop to Dom's earlier, having come there from work.

That night I layed next to Dom in bed. His heavy breathing soothed me. I put my head on his chest and jsut let it sink in thast I would now be refernishing my appartment on top of planning a wedding. I had called Pete, he wanted to pay for everything but I wouldn;t let him. I would be meeting him tommorow.

As I fell asleep I thanked god that I had Dom, without him I owuld be on the street.
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Everytime I went to type 'Dom' in this chapter, I wrote 'Luc' damn. lol