‹ Prequel: He'll Never Know

Skateboards and Rockstars

How our Half Way houses good?

I sat in the diner Pete and I always ate at. I was playing with my ring. Thinking about Lucian of all people. I felt bad, I blew up on him, its jsut an apartment it can be fixed, but friendship? Thats something that needs to be cherished. Damn I'm a bitch. Ashlee Simspon looks like an angel comapared to me. I wonder what ever happened to whore on stick...I'll have to google her.

Pete wlaked in smiling and sitting down. "Seems like ages since we've done this"

"Yeah, I guess"

"Well aren't you jsut a scrooge"

"Bah humbug," I said looking down at the fries I had ordered.

"You still upset over your apartment?" Pete asked reaching for a frie. I slapped his hand and glared.

"Order your own comfort food, and no, I jsut feel bad I was so, so Ashlee Simpsonish,"

Pete gawked, "You weren't, aren't that mean, you don't kill fuzzy animals do you?" Pete questioined looking at me.

"No... I don't think so..."

"Good, or else I was going ot call Andy and have his vegan army go after you."

I laughed at this. "Where are the guys?"

"On there way, Joe was trying to web cam a lesson to his students, jeez, who would let Trohman teach thir children?" Pete shock his head.

I looked up my face brightening. "Speak of the Devils" I said jumping up.

"Gah I missed you guys!!" I said jumping on my uncles. They all smiled and joined in the group.

"Where's Patrick?" I said noticing that he wasn't there.

"He's in Chicago, with a divorce lawyer," Andy said shepeishly.

"That sucks," I said motioning for them to sit.

It was jsut like old times. For those two hours we laughed. Watched Joe shove fries up his nose, and Andy go all vegan on our waitress. I understood how Patrick could long for the past to come back. For those two hours I didn't think about Dom, the wedding, Luc, it was peacefull. I really needed to learn to go to yoga.

When I heard the bell trinkle I looked at the door. I looked up suprised to see Lucian walking in. He didn't notice us, he just went up to the counter and ordered. He leaned against the counter with ease. He looked good. Who knew a week under treatment could bring life back to a dead soul?

His head turned and he noticed us. I waved and got up to talk to him. The guys barely noticed, they were to busy playing tic tac toe.

"Hey Luc,"

"Hey," He said sheepishly.

"I'm sorry I went all Ashlee Simspson on you last week, a lot of stress you know."

"You know-" He started, sitting down in a both towards the back. I followed.

"-I never took you for one to plan a wedding at 25, I always thought you just do it outside plain and simple."

"That's kind of what I wanted, but it evolved into this big thing, Dom wants a wedding planner, the wedding planner is vicariously living threw me, its crazy"

I was leaning against the table. Along with Luc. The sparkle back into his eyes.

"A week of rehab and your good as new" I said looking into his eyes.

"I wasn't doing drugs that long, just enough to detroy me" Luc siad lokking away.

"Well at least your doing better right?" I barely noticed I was talking above a whisper.

"I'm in half-way house,and things aqre going good."

And thats when it happened. Out lips collided and the world seemed right. He licked my lips, and I opened my mouth let our tongues tangle. It was odd, because I had bats in my stomach. Somethign that hasn't happened since I was sixteen. We broke apart, me opening my eyes. I heard a cough and turned to see the guys looking at me.

"Well this isn't going to end well," Pete said scratching his head as Joe and Andy gawked.

I blushed deep red, what have I done?
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Hmm hows the story? I need comments people! Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? *offers cookies*