Sequel: Zee and Todd

York and Mori

Chapter 16 - Bear

After the weird boy left and York came back out where Mori was. They talked for a few minutes before they went to grab their things and then left. The sound of York’s bike came and then grew fainter and fainter as he drove farther away. Bear looked to where Madame Oliver, or Ollie which he suddenly had started to call her, was laying on the couch. He went over to her and stuck his nose in her face and she groaned opening her eyes and looking to him.

“I was sleeping Bear, why did you have to wake me?” Ollie asked as she reached her butt into the air and stretched lazily before laying back down.

“I’m bored. I want to do something now that the kids are gone.” Bear replied as he sat down in front of the couch and cocked his head at her. “So do you want to do something?”

“By something you mean make a mess and get in trouble when the twins get back.” She replied with a smug look. He was about to say it wasn’t true when he stopped her. “Oh don’t even try to deny it.” She gave a pause before looking to him. “So what did you have in mind!?”

Bear started to wag his tail as he stood and trotted over to the kitchen and heard the bell on Ollie’s collar make a sound as she jumped off the couch and followed him. He stopped at the front of the counter in the kitchen and looked behind him to see her coming. She looked up to him as she waited for him to say something.

“Ok so here’s the plan, jump up on the counter and knock over the treat jar. Mom has treats in there and I really really really want one.” Bear wagged his tail as he waited for Ollie to agree and start the super secret mission.

“Wait, what’s in it for me? Those are your treats.” Ollie said as she sat next to him and glared.

“What do you mean what’s in it for me? The treats hello! I’ll share them with you!” She rolled her eyes as she looked back up to the counter.

“Bear, they are your treats. Cats don’t eat dog treats.”

“But they’re not just dog treats, everyone eats them. Not just me.” Ollie flinched as she heard that.

“That’s just gross,” She mumbled as she looked to him and sighed. “Alright fine, I’ll help you but lay down, I need a boost.”

“Can’t you just jump up there? All cats have great jumping skills.” Bear said as he cocked his head again at her.

“Bear I’m not like other cats, now if you want me to do this, lay down.” He agreed and then lay down and she climbed on top of his back. “Ok lift me up.” He did so, rising to his front paws first and she held on to his collar so she didn’t fall off. Then he fully stood making it easy for her to just climb up. “Ok now get to the counter so I can get to the jar.” When he did, she jumped up onto the counter and looked around.

There was a nice big window that was over the sink that showed the backyard where a bunch of birds were flying around the trees. She looked away from the window and found the jar Bear had been talking about and walked over to it and swatted the lid away. When she peered inside, a amazingly good smell came out from the jar making her stomach grumble. Reaching a paw in, she tipped the jar over carefully so it wouldn’t break and some of its contents spilled onto the counter.

“Bear these are cookies,” Ollie said as she examined one of the treats that had fallen out. Bear barked and then trotted over to where she was.

“Who cares they’re really good! Send some down!” He said as his nose appeared over the edge of the counter.

“Ok,” She swatted a pile down and heard him start to munch on them. “Bear save some for me too!” She hissed as she jumped down from the counter and went over to one of the cookies.

Just as she did, there was noise coming from the driveway and then the door opened and the familiar scent of the twins came as they walked into the house. Mori called their names but they were too busy eating and York’s scent came closer as he walked into the kitchen and laughed.

“Hey Mori I found them,” York said as footsteps came and Mori entered the room also. “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a pair of cookie monsters,”

“Yeah no kidding,” She replied as she came over and went to the tipped over cookie jar as Bear and Ollie finished off the cookies and looked up to them with innocent eyes. Mori laughed as she looked down to them with a cookie hanging out from between her lips. “Oh what are we going to do with you two?”

Bear barked and wagged his tail as he went over to Mori and received a good back rub while Ollie made figure eights around York’s legs. They just laughed and went to the main room where they flicked on the tv with Bear and Ollie on their laps soaking up the attention.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just sort of a filler chapter that Faydflowright and I decided to do. We were talking and wondering what Bear and Madam Oliver did when no one was home. Coming up with the untraditional friendship between the dog and the cat, we figured that they might get in trouble together instead of always laying around doing nothing.

So this is what we came up with. This is only a one time deal and just added it as a bouns chapter so enjoy! =}