Sequel: Zee and Todd

York and Mori

Chapter 18 - York

There was a really loud noise that came from behind York’s door as he started to slowly wake up. His door opened and his father came in shouting loudly as York saw that the clock read five in the morning. Then he realized that his dad was coming in and reached up to his head and realized that he had fallen asleep with a beanie on the night before. Their parents didn’t know about the little curse he was given with the dog ears, and he was still trying to control the ears which were still pretty hard to do.

“Happy birthday son! You know I remember the first day I saw you like it was yesterday! You were so cute and small and adorable.” His father said as he wiped a tear from his eye. York rolled his eyes as he rolled over in bed and pulled the covers over his head.

“Dad really, we go through this every year. Random outburst at five in the morning, don’t you think you should change it one of these years.”

“Nope, it’s tradition. Now get up Mr. grumpy gills, you’re mother made homemade pancakes and spent all morning decorating.” His dad pulled the covers off of York and pulled him out of bed dropping him on the floor. York groaned and stood as his father pushed him out the door as Mori and their mom was coming out also.

They were taken into the kitchen where banners and streamers where hanging from everywhere. York and Mori were seated at the table next to each other where the cake and presents and balloons scattered the table. Their parents sang happy birthday to them very off key and then gave them their presents and ate.

Finally their parents left them since they needed to get to work and said goodbye and left leaving the twins alone. They both got ready for school and York pulled on his new hat his parents had given to him and waited for Mori to finish getting ready so they could get to school early. He needed to get some more studying done for whatever his parents had planned for the weekend since he wouldn’t get anything done if he didn’t study now.

When Mori said she was ready, they went out to his bike and he drove to school. Once they got there, the parking lot was all but empty except for Gretta’s bike that was there. It really didn’t surprise him since she was going to meet him in the library to get some more studying done. Once they walked into school, Mori disappeared down the hallway and York made his way to the library.

As he walked in to the library, he noticed that it seemed quieter than usual. Usually there was Mrs. Thompson behind the checkout desk snapping her gum and her nose stuck in a romance novel while waiting for another student to snap at. She wasn’t mean, she was just firm with the students; and one of the things that annoyed her most was when students asked a question and the answer was right in front of them. Most of the students didn’t like her for her personality issues but for someone like York who knew her a little better she was different.

That particular morning, Mrs. Thompson was not in since it was so early and so the library seemed weird with no students or librarian in it. But nevertheless, he continued down the main aisle and to Gretta and his favorite spot, which happened to be in the very back in the corner surrounded by windows and two plush chairs that no one knew about. When he turned to face the chairs, he found Gretta there as usual sitting under her favorite window with her nose stuck in a book.

“Hey York,” She said without looking up from her book. He laughed as he sat next to her and set his backpack in front of him and pulled out one of his books.

“How do you do that?” He asked as she glanced up from her book for the first time and met his eye. There was a small smile growing at the side of her mouth as she looked back to her book.

“If you’re referring to how I knew it was you without looking up from my book, then the answer to that is I can here you coming. You walk heavy and drag your feet.” She glanced up over her book and looked to him again with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

“Shut up, I don’t walk funny.” She laughed as she set her book down as he opened the book that was on his lap and started to scan the pages.

“You know what, forget studying. Let’s skip,” She said as he looked up with ‘are you serious?’ look on his face. “What? It’s not like you never skipped class before.”

“No but I got up early to get to school to study with you for the test. But now you suddenly want to skip.”

“What can I say, I’m spontaneous.” She shrugged as she shoved her book into her bag. “So are you game?”

“Sure why not, since you’re already up and pacing to leave.” He replied as he stood also and put his books away. They walked through the silent library together and made their way to the front of the school.

Just as the library was, the halls were also empty and nothing was heard. Only their footsteps were heard as they walked. When they got to the front doors, two students were walking in and passed them without saying a word as they walked out into the parking lot. As they went out, there was a white van passing them by. York looked over to his bike and was about to ask her where they were going to go when he saw someone leaning against his bike. At first he didn’t recognize the person, but then saw the familiar blonde hair and stupid grin he would know anywhere.

“Zane!?” York asked as he stopped a few feet away in shock. The blond stood straight and smiled as he closed the distance between them and hugged York tightly.

“Hey birthday boy what’s up?” Zane asked, laughing at the stupid look York must have had on his face.

“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be back in the city!” He replied as he hugged him again and then saw another person behind Zane. “Kate!?”

“Hey York, happy birthday!” She said as she walked over with a huge smile on her face. He let go of Zane and then hugged her also.

“What are you doing here?” Zane rolled his eyes as he smiled to Gretta who had been silently standing nearby. “Ooh right, Gretta this is my friend Zane and his girlfriend Kate. Guys this is Gretta.”

“Yes your parents told us about her. She came here super early to meet us and tell us where to wait.”

“Wait my parents?”

“Yes silly, this was all your parents’ idea. They called us about two weeks ago asking if we would come up for your birthday and arranged everything.” Kate said with a huge smile.

“We’re stealing you and Gretta for the weekend; everything’s already planned with your parents. They know we’re here and taking you so you don’t have to worry about anything. A bag is all packed and ready! So let’s hit the road!” Zane said as he took York’s arm and pulled him over to where Zane’s truck was.

York noticed that Zane’s bike was already strapped down in the bed of the trunk and he got a evil grin that matched Zane’s as they pushed his bike over to the truck also and loaded it in while the girls got in the cab. After the bikes were strapped down, the boys got in the front seat and then pulled out of the parking lot just as some carriages were pulling in to drop off the first of the students.
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This must be one of my favorite chapters to write! I have a great idea for the next part of York's story! I hope you guys are enjoying this and feel free to subscribe and leave a comment of what you think of it thus far.

Just a little fyi, these are one of the last parts of the story before we start to get into the main point of the story here. So get ready for the story to pick up a little more now! =}