Untitled Prompt Story 1

Untitled Prompt Story 1

Her feet pound down on the dirt as she runs. Rocks and sticks cutting deep but she couldn’t stop. He was somewhere behind her. Looking for her. She had barely managed to get away. She had been waiting so long for him to make a mistake. To leave the door unlocked or to leave her alone for too long. Finally she had her chance. A chance to get away from her captor and she took it.

She wasn’t sure how long she could keep running. He feet were bleeding profusely and she had been maltreated for so long that she had little strength. She just had to find a road or a house or something. Somewhere she could hide or someone to help her. She had to find something before he caught her or she would be back in her own private hell again. This time though, he might go too far. Get too angry that she had gotten away. This time he might kill her. She thinks that might actually be preferable to any other punishment he decides to give her for disobeying and running.

There’s something up ahead now but she can’t quite see what it is. All she can tell is it’s green with splashes of red and it spans her sight from right to left. As she gets closer a chant of NONONO echos through her head. It looks like a hedge. A high hedge and she can’t see any gap and is too high for her to get over. As she gets closer she can see that it’s even worse than she feared. It’s not just any hedge. It’s a hedge intertwined with roses. Roses with large, sharp thorns that will cut and make her bleed. She can’t stop though. She just can’t. She’ll have to chance it. Have to chance fighting her way through it. Have to chance those thorns on her skin.

It’s with a deep breath and a prayer that she runs straight into the hedge when she reaches it. It’s agony. The thorns cut so deep into her flesh. She can feel blood trickling down her body. Slick and hot. It feels like forever but she finally pushes her way through. She tumbles out the other side, petals and leaves following behind her, pulled out with her passage. Expecting solid land she is surprised when none meets her. She lets out a yell as she falls, surprise and the expectation of pain coloring her voice.

It’s not hard ground that meets the end of her fall though, it’s water. Cold, deep water. The petals and leaves meet the water seconds after she does. She falls though the water, hitting the bottom sharply. The agony from the impact doesn’t even register as her head makes contact with a rock. As she loses consciousness she thinks that maybe this is best. He won’t be able to do anything to her anymore. It’s a relief. She’s free. Her body slowly floats to the top of the pool, petals a sharp contrast from the blood that still flows from her many wounds, old and new.